
I guess it's the same as Anton Yelchin, most definitely a native speaker of Russian, playing Chekov in the latest Star Trek films. He's accent is absolutely ridiculous, and I've never heard any of my Russian friends speaking like that.

Yeah, it was obvious they were going for Ukraine-ish sort of situation, and mostly counted on 99% of viewers being unfamiliar with the real state of things. I still hated it though. Also, Georgian cuisine is literally the most amazing and wonderful ever (and by literally I, too, mean literally), so the dinner scene

I've just finished watching it, and I'm sitting in the living room right now instead of going to sleep together with my husband. He's the nicest guy I know, but I feel I just can't deal with any men right now.

This is exactly why I always associated Cardassians with Soviet Union rather than Nazis, since the idea of everyone being pretty much guilty by default is as Russian as it gets. There were courts back then as well, with conviction rates somewhere around 95%. One might wonder why even bother.

It makes no sense at all: AVClub reviews Colony, which is waaaay weaker show, but not this one.

I wonder whether the first human-host interaction we see (or hear, to be precise) on screen is a subtle nod to PoI or just a coincidence:
"- Can you hear me?
- Yes."

Not true. I've spoken English on a daily basis for many years, it did nothing to my accent. Yes, it's not as strong as it was when I was learning the language at school. But since I wasn't immersed in an English-speaking environment since childhood, it would take countless hours with professional trainers to get rid

In the beginning of the episode there was a really long shot of the baby monitor with Judith sleeping. So I was expecting Carl to look at it in the end only to find out that she is gone/probably taken by Enid.

Now I want a spin-off about Scottish magic.

Pretty enjoyable episode, but Aaron's incredible stupidity and inability to read people seems too OOC. He's a politician, right? Spinning a story the right way must be as easy as breathing to him. But instead of "Hey Cas, why don't we take a ride to my grandmother's hut in the mountains… Surprise! Secret 12 Monkeys