
Or handwarmers, or water... Handwarmers are great.

Eh, well, we met while both working canvassing. I was surprised as heck when he mentioned he didn’t have it in him to abruptly turn the JW guy away - he’s generally not the type to handle, well, anything he fundamentally disagrees with lightly.

A very nice JW took interest in my partner, who is very much an atheist but didn’t want to abruptly drop that on a decent pleasant guy. After the 4th or 5th visit when I answered the door I told the SO he had to level with him.

I really hope she called AAA and that this fallout will get the tow company delisted. Although on the socialism front, my state does have vans that will stop and help out random stranded on side of road folks, and I’ve also had a cop drive to get me gas once (damn rental car had the most inaccurate gauge in the world,

Uh, the Canadian dollar isn’t at parity, but it’s a damn lot closer than when I was growing up. Enough to not justify going to Windsor for dinner, anyway.

In my state you’re obligated to pay tax anyhow. Sure others are following suit.

I gotta say, Google Music has been good enough I can count on 2 hands things I looked for that they lacked (indigenous Mexican rap; 2000 girl power punk; certain Prince and Tragically Hip songs).. My habit now is listening to certain CBC shows (thanks, border state ) and immediately song IDing what I like to a Google

Ditto. I just packed mine up, and my partner’s. Took one milk crate.

As someone who can’t afford to wait to recover from stolen info online - bingo. Also healthy paranoia.

Local credit union yo. Saved me when I was unbanked due to Comerica fucking me over (long and stupid story, short version I refused to pay $200 in fees due to their mistake). I went to a tax clinic for help with my weird patchwork employment that year and the CU immediately opened an account for me to direct deposit

It didn’t used to; it does now. It took 2 weeks to get a prescription mailed to me (from the *postmark* date), and it took 3 weeks for a check to arrive from NY to MI (friend took a partially working holiday and the check was sent to my office, and since she really needed the funds, I knew exactly when it was mailed

I’ve been to a local pedestrian activist board meeting where I was the only one who didn’t drive in (and for America, my city has doable public transit). Do as I say, etc... :)

Seriously! Craig, you magnificent bastard, well done!


Agreed. I was unexpectedly and offered the job by a Dem friend who I had worked with previously. I’ve always been registered independent - open primaries here, for now, and even if I vote for the Dem 90%+ of the time I’m not comfortable with loyalty oathing a party when I can just research and vote for

The most fervent/outspoken* Clinton supporters I know are to a person described by one or both of the following:

She should run is the name I couldn’t remember.

As a pro choice woman, I theoretically love Emily’s List.

So 2nd time I’ll say I don’t think you as actually are a Sanders supporter; but I’ll give you a benefit of the doubt since there is some nuance.