Or handwarmers, or water... Handwarmers are great.
Or handwarmers, or water... Handwarmers are great.
Eh, well, we met while both working canvassing. I was surprised as heck when he mentioned he didn’t have it in him to abruptly turn the JW guy away - he’s generally not the type to handle, well, anything he fundamentally disagrees with lightly.
A very nice JW took interest in my partner, who is very much an atheist but didn’t want to abruptly drop that on a decent pleasant guy. After the 4th or 5th visit when I answered the door I told the SO he had to level with him.
I really hope she called AAA and that this fallout will get the tow company delisted. Although on the socialism front, my state does have vans that will stop and help out random stranded on side of road folks, and I’ve also had a cop drive to get me gas once (damn rental car had the most inaccurate gauge in the world,…
Seriously! Craig, you magnificent bastard, well done!
Agreed. I was unexpectedly and unsolicited..ly offered the job by a Dem friend who I had worked with previously. I’ve always been registered independent - open primaries here, for now, and even if I vote for the Dem 90%+ of the time I’m not comfortable with loyalty oathing a party when I can just research and vote for…
The most fervent/outspoken* Clinton supporters I know are to a person described by one or both of the following:
She should run is the name I couldn’t remember.
As a pro choice woman, I theoretically love Emily’s List.
So 2nd time I’ll say I don’t think you as actually are a Sanders supporter; but I’ll give you a benefit of the doubt since there is some nuance.
Yeah... You didn’t support Sanders. But the down ticket talking point is better than most, so, kudos.
My uncle did pass around photos of this *while* we were eating Peeps, though. I love my family (now that the one racist uncle boycotts the rest of us). Thanks, Mexico! Got lots of laughs and appreciation from my children and grandchildren of immigrants family
I’m inclined to disagree after this article.
I will. We worked together doing non profit outreach, and he was amazing at just being there for people who needed anyone to talk to for a few minutes, stranger or no. I know the schedule and being that person again for lots of worried/anxious people is draining, so I’m sure it’ll be welcomed. :)
Thanks for the proper info.
Huh. Fair enough.
We’re done here now, yes? Please?
Oh, also female voice “forgot my room number”, significant other “ I want to surprise her cause she’s working on our anniversary “, etc... Man, I love this kind of brainstorming. Good thing that moral compass keeps it squarely in theoretical territory.
Could be naive, could be so overworked that it’s easier to give in, could be fear of reprisal (“if my important boss doesn’t have me deliver her business papers by 7 AM you’ll never do business with ESPN again), etc. Humans are fallible.
My friend works desk at a hotel that routinely hosts families accompanying loved ones to the research hospital here. Often the patient stays while awaiting a procedure or while being treated outpatient. He kicks ass, and on a schedule that can vary between a 7 AM or 3 PM start. Props for hotel staff, who don’t always…