
Okay, first, I love to see a line up of women in politics. We don’t have enough of those. You know what would be cool though? To do a monthly feature on a woman in politics. AND NOT JUST A WHITE WOMAN IN POLITICS, although those are fine, too. There are a lot of women of color getting shit done.

One time there was a trending twitter hashtag that was like “political sitcoms” or something and I came up with “Gillibrand’s Island” and I just feel like the internet has never given me enough credit.

isnt that just a suit? isnt a suitjacket with a dress a dresssuit? if wear pants with a jacket is it a jacketpant? if i wear a hat and have a mustache is it a mustachehat? if i wear a beard on my face is it a facebeard?

I admire a lot of these women. As a woman from Michigan, whose first vote was in 2000, Debbie Stabenow is someone I am proud to have voted for in my first vote, and I’m so glad she is still in office. Her comments about Flint are spot-on.