

Well, I’ve found that kinda surprising as well. One might have thought that after tRump shitting on the FBI for the better part of two years that they might have found a way to wiggle around these restrictions and really find something blow-your-head-off interesting.

And yet, this was the outrage the world focused on in Mexico City in ‘68.

They were given a week (already a severely compressed timeline for any legitimate attempt at investigating Barf Havafeel), and now they might be done after only 2 days? And they refuse to interview the 2 most important people involved? What an absolute fucking sham.

The only other thing I’m thinking about is how much faster the NYT could’ve reported on this if they weren’t a sexist bunch of posturers

Tony Schwartz just described him as a needy black hole. I ... don’t really know where to begin with that, but my first snarky thought was that I then wonder why he helped him write that damn book and raise his profile.  He’s basically Sylvester McMonkey McBean made sentient.

And the biggest and most disgusting irony of all is that, after spending over a year ripping the FBI from head to toe as a corrupt organization run by the deep state out to destroy Trump with this witch hunt, the GOP, RWNJ media, Trump, and his supporters are all going to hold up whatever report the FBI produces,

Because the FBI was hamstrung by the White House and the directives listed under the DoJ for this investigation.

This should shock nobody who’s been paying attention

It’s insignificant when insignificant me says that, but still: Elena Poniatowska is a hero.
And thanks, Jorge, for reminding us of the massacre. While 1968 was in many western countries a year new beginnings, it was also a year where many terrible things happened, Prague and My Lai, Greece and Mexico, the Khmer Rouge

This is anecdotal, but I know of only one restaurant in San Francisco (where I live) that has completely abandoned the tipping model. The food is probably a little more expensive than it would be at another restaurant, but it’s good enough quality/close enough to what you’d pay factoring in tip that people are willing

Yes, related in that it shows why government regulation is necessary in this case. 

Thanks for this. There’s a dearth of Latin American coverage all across the GMG blogs so I’m always happy when I see articles like this one. She’s fascinating and a great writer. 

Ouch, this is rough. I hate the idea of him being able to force a text to my phone, but at the same time, if this were literally any other president, I’d be fully behind it. If FEMA and the office of the POTUS both think I should know something immediately, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

I strongly disagree, I have to say. If anything, they’re the only lens with which pop cultural history can have any sense made of it.

It certainly appears that quite a few people got the shaft.

All we’ll be getting is the tip at this point, frankly.


I got a Dan in Real Life notification for this?