Thanks be to God these children are alive, loved, and supported in their life journey.
Thanks be to God these children are alive, loved, and supported in their life journey.
This is all very grim but unsurprising. The thing that is getting my goat is the times they drug these kids when they are “uncooperative” by injecting them with Haldol. How is that even possible?
RIP beautiful girl, what an awful way to go.
The dwindling returns are why god invented gerrymandering, disenfranchisement, and, eventually, fascism.
I haven’t rested easy since that Tuesday in November 2016, didn’t rest easy much before that, but that day snuffed out what little faith(people that know me know just how little that was) I had in people not to be complete and total fucking idiots. They played Russian Roulette with a semi-automatic with a full magazine…
To quote Grégory Pierrot, “You want to troll French fascists? Tell them the truth: the most French man in the world right now is a black kid called Kylian Mbappé.”
I have confidence in Muller. He’ll find out if Trump is just an egotistical moron who cannot stand the idea that he had help from Putin or if it goes deeper than that.
What’s aggravating is that anyone on the right is acting at all surprised or indignant about this. Did they somehow miss that moment when Trump openly asked Russia to hack Hillary during the campaign, or all the times that Trump spoke flatteringly of Putin and constantly in defense of him? Or the times when Trump…
Although I understand your meaning, I can’t accidentally drop my ballot and shoot my dick off. Physically speaking that is. Metaphorically speaking, that’s pretty much all we do.
This has been a fight between those in power and students for years and years across the entire nation. Lawmakers tend to want to discourage college students from registering to vote where they attend school because they often times represent an outsized voting bloc that may not represent the interests of the local,…
Searing taek sis.
He only said something because it would look worse if he said nothing at all. Don’t put too much confidence in that spineless piece of shit.
Putin didn’t single handedly get Trump elected. In a national election here is no single thing that soley influences the outcome.
That insults Kylo Ren, but I’ll allow it.
Candidate Kylo Ren
The problem is that, because it’s a true paradox, they don’t have to fuck off. It doesn’t matter that we know their arguments are intellectually dishonest. It is not possible to prove them wrong.
I’m insulting the fact that he’s made it a goddamned centerpiece of his campaign, and that he brings it up on every occasion possible and makes it seem like it’s some kind of rare honor that he earned through exceptional service. When in fact it’s one of the most common medals and was given to almost 100,000…
Bro, your parents aren’t coming back, they’re just not. They realized they raised a total piece of shit who selfishly wants his “success” and wants it borne on the backs of all those around him, and they’re humiliated and deeply ashamed.
Sounds to me like he cares more about his little medals than he does about actually serving one’s country...
This is the choad who constantly touts the fact he won a Bronze Star while he was in the service in Iraq. He even has it in a framed box in the background of one his campaign commercials.