
This almost made me cry when that officer literally turned his back on her.

I wonder if they didn't think they were doing the kids a favor by letting them be adopted by nice white Christian families instead of being sent back to their shithole countries with their parents.

In a normal Presidency, fear of public backlash and damage to the President’s legacy and the party’s future elections would be enough motivation to stop this kind of nonsense, assuming that anyone thought that separating asylum seekers from their children was a good idea in the first place, which they probably

Part of the reason the Trump administration fucked up the deadline was because it reportedly didn’t even try to keep detailed records so they could match parents with their kids in the future, as the New York Times reported last week:

And if they don’t, then what?

It’s like an inside game they play with each other, “Hey, last week I worked Hillary and Obama into a discussion about sexual abuse!  Top that Devin!”

Hey I mean, that ink has done it’s job and what a big job it is.

You are getting a lot of shit for October (As an allergy sufferer who works with fiscal years- yes. As a human who enjoys light layering - co-sign, January deserves hatred. Fucking January, man) so I am going to focus on two parts of your list:

It’s hard to say. Depending on the particular circumstances, some people stay in jobs like that because they can’t afford the disruption to their finances that quitting and finding another job would take - and you know Trump would have fired him immediately, and refused to give the last paycheck if word got out he was

Probably hidden under the shitty ‘tribal’ tattoo. Covering up ‘past mistakes’ and other such bullshit.

Through her tears.

“‘I think a lot of conservatives are just afraid to show up for public events,’ she said through tears.”

Does that shithead’s sign read ‘black rifles matter’?


People have said that if they won’t cast a trans man, they should still cast a man to play a man. Felicity Huffman was playing a woman.

They think the offer should have been made. That’s all. Not hard. Not industry breaking. It has to start somewhere, why not a story *about* a trans person? If not *that* story at *this* time, what story and when?

Michael Rappaport can’t fucking spell or properly use grammar, and also he should just shut the fuck up. 

It’s even worse than Scarjo once again stealing a role from someone better suited. They intend to treat the character as a cross-dressing WOMAN and not a transman.

That’s his authentic, cicra 1996 blaccent. Fun fact: 1996 was also the last time he was even close to relevant.

How the hell you gonna come for someone else’s looks and you look like this???