
I said last week, the authorities were jumping through all kinds of hoops, trying to give those women the benefit of the doubt, when it was obvious, especially after we found out the kids were being starved, that fuckery was afoot.

I am adopted.

Virtually every objective investigation of a U.S. law enforcement agency finds that the police, as policy, treat African Americans with contempt.”

Ignore me. Nothing to see here. Too much Easter wine.

So, the vehicle straight up hit her while she was trying to get out of the way.

David, I appreciate your reporting this even though it is Easter. The Gawker universe tends to shut down on the weekends and holidays. It means a lot that you’re still reporting.

This story is infuriating. I am so sick of “officers of the law” acting unlawfully and without repercussions. I feel very disheartened and I

The joke is just fuckin’ stupid. If your cousin Tommy sent it to you, you could roll your eyes and mumble “What a lunk.” to yourself and move on.

I chuckled when I read the large print first. That part could certainly be seen as “meant to poke fun at myself” (haha drunk guy thought he saw extraterrestrials).

You laughed but you also didn’t share it on Linked In. You laughing in private is way different than laughing as a the head of a government agency in a location.

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I think if we’re looking at things in this vein, we have to acknowledge the relationship between Jon Stewart and Arbys:

If you were to compare this to a logo design, that absolutely would not be a frivolous situation. At least in the U.S., designers own their designs at the moment of creation, unless the design is produced by an employee of the company itself (a la the Nike logo) the company only gains copyright when it is transferred

She should have insisted on a contract protecting her rights to the milkshakes and the revenue stream. That’s a tough thing to do as an employee, especially a young one, but it’s really the only good way to do it.

This sucks for her, but it’s an illustration of something I think a lot of people don’t realize: There is no practical way of protecting recipes beyond keeping the ingredients/preparation process a secret. Neither trademark nor copyright law apply to recipes as recipes. While it is technically possible to patent a

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I’m an even bigger fan of their Honda episode in season 6, which of course features Subway (The student, not the corporation). So completely blatant. Not to mention before the episode ran on Yahoo Screen, it had a 3minute honda commercial featuring Abed, doing the commercial in a perfectly abed way.

Laugh all you want, but that episode is what sealed my decision to purchase one of GE’s direct current drilling motors (for a land-based project, but it’s versatile enough that I could do off-shore drilling as well, should the need arise), and I couldn’t be happier.

Well, I’m off to Burger King!

I can’t shake this fear of losing even one small part of what Honda has to offer.

That, and also Tobias meeting Carl Weathers at Burger King:

Burger King on Arrested Development is another memorable one.

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Or Britta Perry’s torrid romance with Subway on Community: