
I was just about to say - I’m not in Dubai but there’s a decent ME population around these parts and I’m friends with a Muslim woman who is breastfeeding. If it’s gotta happen (and that kid will let EVERYONE know - and I’ve yet to see him persuaded to back off longer than 5 minutes), it happens, without so much as an


Fake news awards announcement was fake news. Mind. Blown.

Conservatives say that liberals do. In reality The Daily Show et al would actually be pretty boring if you didn’t have a lot least some knowledge of national and world affairs. From Jon Stewart era:

“this song is nearly 20 years old”

No argument there.

Meanwhile, on this side...


Bingo. Learned that from my Dad. Thanks Dad.

Macy’s could turn it around. My partner’s grandma has worked there for decades, and has a good contingent of customers who shop there because of her, new and old. It’s hard to replicate that experience online. She’s in menswear as well, so I think having a one stop shopping trip where you’ll be taken care of for not

To be fair Kohl’s encourages that crap and Kohl’s cash is confusing as hell, as is their sale signage, etc.

“it’d be hard to top this group in absurdity” [re GWB administration]

On a related note, the “How to write your congressperson” page from America: The Book is one of the best things ever. Until we moved I had a copy hanging on my desk at work.

And made sure the kids didn’t speak with an accent, I’m sure. 1-2 gen in and your family isn’t Italian American anymore, just white.

unimaginable spite

1) thanks!

I can honestly say I don’t. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure somewhere I have. But work and home ain’t Georgia Pacific (probably including lumber, both are fairly old buildings). Then again my work is the type of place that also has a map of what pseudo eco friendly food companies are owned by which corporate

Eh. Different suburban Midwest movie watching experience, I’ve seen the original, maybe one prequel (blocked it out mostly) and Christmas Special Rifftrax and I still enjoyed it.

You have to surrender your phone at our county courthouse entrance too. Last I checked they didn’t have lockers and it was a “leave it on these shelves, good luck, not our problem if it’s stolen, or go back to your car if you drove and have time” deal to boot.
