
Flint is not “Detroit area”.

Surprise another beautiful shitty woman who bought into the life of young is beautiful until she aged out lol.

How about don’t touch other peoples vehicles. I’m sure if we followed Mr. Bike rider all day we would see him run stop signs and breaking other rules of the road. But since he is a biker its ok. 

Golf R beats it automatically because it has a functional rear hatch. The Type R is so sloped its useless. 

Yeah you still have to make excuses as that spoiler looks out of place on that Accord. 

All of those sensors are controlled by 1 main brain and they absolutely can all fail in a malfunctioning vehicle.

Looking forward to Somerville, Callisto Protocol, Evil West.

The thing I always find funny is they think the date the pull is “correct” in a malfunctioning car. Not saying this wasn’t a case of wrong pedal but expecting the malfunctioning car to read correctly is kinda wild.

Nope, clearly you do no understand the difference between deserving something and society having an effect on men. Not sure how with all your academic achievements you cannot understand this.

Looks good to me. 

Dang you play alot of games. 

I do practice mutual respect, just not with someone who says “I pray for the women in your life” like I am some sort of abuser because I believe our society has had an impact on how men treat women.

Ahhh much better.

How does this article miss the mark so much?

8 more years and this will be my midlife crisis car.

Have you ever considered how men are treated in society today and historically?

I get that, but its really not as much or great as the OP made it out to be in this article. 

Yea I shopped them but the Tiguan was just much more useful and cheaper. I got out of there without a monthly payment after my trade in and money down. Not too worried about the warranty, I rebuild vw motors for 8 years. No longer a mechanic but can still turn a wrench on these.

It’s pretty awesome. Lowered on coilovers and is38 turbo upgrade from the Golf R. 

Yes because the GT2 RS is for the rest of us......