
So get a different drug prescribed. Pretty simple. There are multiple drugs available without those side effects.

Forcing poor and working-class people to give birth against their will—against their consent, against their ability to provide for themselves or a child—is a profound economic issue,” she said.

How about a law that actually makes bike riders obey traffic laws. You stupid fucks think you own the road. 

Yeah you really should know better. Nothing you says mean anything to me lol. You are nobody. Hope someday a man finds you attractive enough to dumb a baby in. Then you can abort it and feel like such a great person :) 

So there is hope for you someday then. kisses :)

Not sure what that is but you seem familiar with it. :) Love you!

Then you will be sad to know I’m engaged! We have a nice wedding planned and everything. 

Good. Unless he plans on paying down something of mine I hope this get axed. 

Why do you blatantly lie?

Chevrolet purposefully opted for the 6.2L engine with performance calibrations and induction system for the RST Performance Edition. This implementation gives customers a solid performance boost, while still being able to offer the performance edition at an affordable price point.

lol far from incel. Why would I get off Jez? I love coming here and seeing how hypocritical you people are. 

lol yes, tell her she is skinny lol. I’m sure all the fat guys you passed over are beautiful too!! lmao. 

So ugly.

Tell her how beautiful she is!

This is so stupid. Beyond the fact that it is from a movie, who the fuck cares if he touches breasts? Many many people....male...female....trans....touch breasts and enjoy it. Why is the USA so fucking up in arms over body parts. You all will celebrate a child birth which is celebrating cumming in a woman....but

Holy shit talk about unfucking aware. You women want praise on the internet just for breathing. You fucking act like cleaning and taking care of your kid should win you the god damn world prize. There are plenty of men who are single dads who do the same god damn thing we just don’t mommy blog about it. 

Have you seen women on the internet? They want praise just for breathing. 

But you women want to be praised for being a mother...yea its the bare fucking minimum you can do since you took a load to the baby maker.

Or just be happy your brother grew....but nah you hate men too much to do that. Sad.