
No shit she doesn’t stand by her convictions. None of you do! You just go to little gossip blog and talk all this shit about men until a “hot” one hits on you then its all out the window. Spineless bitches who just wanna fuck a hot dude. 

I think they needed a little more to keep up with the new 2023 Telluride.

You gave the keys out, they can do what they want with them. 

Holy shit, how do you get by in life? Oh no’s  some random nobody didn’t find “love”, “beauty”, or “truth” in this art so its garbage. Sorry but there was plenty of truth, beauty and love sorry your bias did not allow you to open your eyes. 


Why take your hands off the wheel at all? Just say “i’m cold” or “make it 5 degrees warmer”.

Yes you can be obese and still be “healthy”......when young. Your body is tough and resilient however your body cannot combat obesity for long. While she might be “healthy” in her late 20's/early 30's the obesity will catch up with her and she will have issues like high bp, pre diabetic, higher cholesterol, increase

lol he couldn’t pull this??

Yeah but the feminists never like to talk about that either. 

Lets keep it going!

Dude is just saying the truth. Lizzo hates herself and puts on this show that she loves herself. You can tell because she has these breakdowns every 6 months where she goes on social and crys. Its because she is holding her real feelings in and eventually they have to come out. 

She going to get on social media and cry again. She don’t love herself. She is putting on an act and you all eat it right up. 

Dude she is not going to sleep with you. 

So is Kotaku going on the records and saying she isn’t cheating? I’m just curious because when it comes out that she was are you going to eat your shit sandwich you just posted?

But Wilde is a beautiful woman who fired someone to get fucked on set so of course Jezebel is going to drag Labeouf as much as they can in the article. You people are disgusting, you are just as sexist as most men.

Before you ask, no the Audi A5 Sportback, Polestar 2 and Kia Stinger do not count as hatchbacks. They’re fastbacks. It’s different.

Thanks! Glad to know cheating is ok. Going to cheat on my GF this weekend thanks to you!

Guess what? They will be appointed to a better therapist. Nothing of value was lost here. 

She fired him so she could hire someone she could fuck between takes.