
You are a complete fucking idiot. It is scary that people as dumb as you can vote. I’m not the one jumping directly to racism, everyone else is. My post clearly said there are an infinite number of reasons yet all you idiots think you know it has to be racism. I’m done, talking to people like you lowers my

You are a complete fucking idiot. It is scary that people as dumb as you can vote. I’m not the one jumping directly to racism, everyone else is. My post clearly said there are an infinite number of reasons yet all you idiots think you know it has to be racism. I’m done, talking to people like you lowers my

I guess you needed a title, but it should be pretty clear these keyboards are not for beginners. 

So what did you add? I already said that in my first post. You are a god damn moron lmao. 

Yep one of them. Glad you know exactly which on it was. Impressive. 

Cool. Personally I will actually try Wildlands, would never touch Boyfriend Dungeon. 

My insurance company has roadside assistance that has been pretty good.

Really? I think you should read up on all the shady shit Musk and his companies have done. 


It is funny watching both sides cherry pick for their arguments. While I sit back and laugh at both sides. You are the exact opposites of each other, both scum, both bottom feeders. 

U-Connect works pretty good. 

All I will say is if they go fully electric they will flop. Dodge’s market is old hemi lovers and they don’t want a full electric car. They have to be a hybrid. 

Yea you are right. It will always follow him, I just don’t think that it will effect him much after a year or two. 

Listen, Jezebel is not a black tie affair. If you can’t take some sarcasm and “rudeness” maybe the internet is not for you, better stick to the Royal Ascot.

Idk, I think stuff moves so fast these days will people really be making the same tired jokes in 3 years? The people that still are probably don’t matter. 

True, and on the same end Will does not ever really need him to talk. Will just had to make the invite. If Rock accepts or not don’t really matter as it would be behind closed doors anyways. Will is going to be fine and Rock will be fine, regardless.

Or instead of wigging out of them how about she pays her obligations?

I’m no one to questions Singer but do you really want to get rid of the iconic turbo lag of the 930?

Yea that is pretty normal for most 2 door 4 seaters. Outside of a Challenger they are all that way. As a child like he has I rode in those back seats plenty of times.

Its really natural instinct. When I was 12 me and  two cousins were riding 4 wheelers legally on our property and a cop came down the road and turned his lights on. All 3 of us instantly reacted the same. full throttle into the woods. I have no idea why we ran but we just did. Cop eventually found our house and us