
Did anyone else have trouble understanding the dialogue? I cant' decide if this was an issue with the continuous soundtrack or if the theater I saw it in had something messed up. I missed probably 50% of what was being said for the whole movie. My movie companion had the same issue, so it wasn't just my (old) ears.

I'm glad i'm not the only one who didn't feel that great about this episode. I love Anatoli so having him in Star City made me happy, but I was getting really annoyed with Diggle. I get it, the show wants to have this moral compass, but given what Adrian Chase has done to not only the team but innocent people (anyone

At this point I am simply hate watching this thing. Snart and Sara are still awesome and team Firestorm has won me over, but I spend half my time rooting for either the time lords (or whatever they're called) or Savage himself to just kill the rest of them. The sheer amount of stupidity that the characters'

I thought at various points that it seemed like Blaine's memory is coming back. I don't think the memory loss is permanent.

I've grown to like Laurel alot this season which is something I NEVER thought I'd say. But even with that if they end up bringing her back from the dead I'm going to be pissed. Remember when they seemed to kill X back in Lost? And the audience thought it was a really ballsy move by the writers and served to show

Movie adaptations have generally gone well but there hasn't been a major movie adaptation since The Mist (unless you count the Carrie reboot).

I don't know that this counts as an Easter Egg, but I really loved the final shot as the camera faded out and very specifically showed a door closing. I haven't read the book but given all of the comments that indicate that the book had Dark Tower references throughout I have to think that was a shout-out to the Dark

Sadie reading the poem was the point I started outright crying. Interesting that King wrote it.

Considering what has been happening in Chicago over the last 6 months it would be interesting to see PD's take on the issue. They receive a ton of support from the real CPD, so which direction will they go?

Yes. It stands on its own.

I can't help but compare the structure of this to Sense 8. Multiple locations, huge cast of characters with seemingly unrelated stories that the audience knows have to come together at some point. But unlike Sense 8 I just don't care about these people. I don't care about Jenna Fischer reuniting with Spike or if

I finally rewatched SitL/FotD last night. Now, those were two of my all time favorite NuWho episodes anyway, despite the muck that weighted down River Song later on, so perhaps my reaction is unique. But I ended up alternately smiling and sobbing through both after having watched the Christmas episode. And being

I know this is quite late to respond to a comment, but I second your enjoyment of RTD era villians. I adore the Christmas episode with Rose and the demonic Christmas trees. It cracks me up EVERY SINGLE TIME.

My husband tried that joke on me last night. It works.

I tend to agree. I think there are circumstances where having a gun for protection is valid if the gun owner has had a lot of training, but keeping one for protection when you have kids in the house is a recipe for disaster. And really, as the episode with Pops demonstrated, if you have anyone else who lives in your

Most people I have known who buy a gun for protection do NOT keep it locked in a safe and many have kept it loaded, usually in a bedside table. Hence the unfortunately too common occurrence of a kid getting a hold of it. The only guns I've known people to keep locked in safes are either collectibles, ones they only

I moved to Chicago. I always wanted to live in "the big city" and fell in love with Chicago as a tourist. And it is a great city but as much as I've liked it, it's never been "home." I miss trees and hills and southern accents.

I know this is really late but I just had to say that yes - it will. I left Lexington 12 years ago and I miss it to this day. KY has a lot of downsides (Justified captured many of those accurately) but eventually I hope I can go back.

I've figured out the murderer…it was Leland Palmer.

I'm not black, so I can't directly relate to Andre and his specific fears for Jr's identity, but I can relate that as a parent it can be very strange to realize just how different your kid's experience is than your own was. For me, it's the difference of growing up in a fairly rural setting as a kid/teenager and then