
Run back to your safe space, cucky.

Have you gelded yourself since Trump’s election or are you waiting for the inauguration?

Cry some more, parasites.

Aw, did the bad man scare you with his opinions? Better run to the fainting couch, mangina.

But you hate it more, LOL

Wow, a Kotaku political post that has nothing to do with video games! What’ll they think of next?

Your tears are so cute, the next four years should be absolutely hilarious :)

If only you fuckers had called him sexist another ten million times, he never would’ve won! LOL

Nobody cares.

Yeah, this is the one where Democratic voters admit they’re too stupid to get a photo ID, right?

Aw, is “your first woman president” not being anointed like the royalty you idiotically assume she is? Continue panicking, idiot.

Bbbbbbbuttt first female president!!!!!!!!!!111111111122222222 Misogyny! Sexism! Racism! Homophobia! Transphobic!

Groping in VR isn’t a thing. Except that the women who get groped in VR would never be groped in real life :)

LOL, where does “Japanese” score on the oppression olympics scale? The SJW fucks are going to have a difficult time adjusting how much of a temper tantrum they throw over yet another thing that doesn’t affect them :)

They don’t need to do anything of the kind, cuck. When SJW shitheads start buying the products they spend all day and night throwing temper tantrums about, maybe companies will start listening to them. Until then, they exist for our derision and amusement.

Bbbbbbbbut, there aren’t any women or Pee Oh Cees!!!!!!11111112222

There’s no reason to cry :)

But then how will SJW idiots like the author inject their dime-store gender studies garbage into things?

No it isn’t, you’re just incapable of understanding it, which is why you “write” idiotic articles like this.

Women accepting money for doing nothing? Who do they think they are, Zoe Quinn? :)