Congrats on publishing that website! Here’s hoping it serves you well.
Congrats on publishing that website! Here’s hoping it serves you well.
EXCELLENT advice. I’m still aghast that Mom.TARDIS seems to think that a Starbucks matcha green tea frappucino is low-carb because green tea isn’t really carby, right? 🙄
(PS, Mother, it’s 68 carbs!)
Awwww, Dennis! I love the adorkable breed, and that they stay teenagers for, like, ever. No “grumpy old man” temperament for those guys! Mr.TARDIS was going HAM on a Dobie for years, but our youngest found Archie and ... well, that’s all she wrote! I’ll be sure to spam y’all with plenty of Archie pics, and feel free…
WHOO HOO!!! Congratulations, Doc, and welcome to the club!
Wonderful - congratulations to Mr. Wallflower! That is dedication and I’m hoping that this will bring increased benefits for him at his work. I love how you’re so happy & proud of him, too - I am willing to bet your support and pride helped him immensely on this journey!
Good for you for taking time for yourself! I’m hoping tomorrow will be as restful for you, and glad to hear that the pressure and stress are in the rear-view mirror for you!
WOW on all fronts! Sorry about the waffles, but glad to know you’re not giving them up completely. I would love a recumbent bike! Here’s hoping that the MS after-exercise symptoms remain at bay for you - fingers are crossed for your continued success.
I am terribly impressed! I used to skate a halfpipe from time to time in my younger days, but bowls (and their concrete bottoms) scared the hades at me. Glad your bones are all in one piece!
Oh, lord have mercy - I’m so sorry that you were blindsided like that. I am hoping that in retrospect, it’s a positive thing. I am also sorry to hear about the Essure; my SIL had major issues with hers. But it sounds like you’re on the mend both physically (I hope!) and spiritually/emotionally, and I hope that this…
We had a Boxer boy who passed 9 years ago (we had him for 10 years). I really miss his little wiggle butt, and I’m sure Archie won’t fail to disappoint in that area. It took three adults a full weekend to come up with “Archie,” and I’m shocked we were able to get a name that quickly! Hah!
Oooooh - loving your decision and the rationale behind it! I am literally cackling at the imagery of your dachshund - what a riot!
Look at you, rockin’ and rollin’! What a fantastic endeavour with the deployment, and they are certainly lucky to have you on board overseeing everything. You are my inspiration with the financial advice planning as I need to get off my ass and get the living will, DNR, etc., all lined up. I love the Tall Ships, so I…
You are NOT kidding.
What? You overachiever, you! Way to go!
Sweet! That is awesome that no one lost face and they took you seriously (AND it didn’t go in the opposite direction!). Hopefully this will mean good news for you in the future and they remember your eagle eye.
Good for you and congrats on getting some inspiration! If you have the means, I highly recommend getting a hotel room (it saved my ass during my dissertation proposal). I’m hoping some other Jezzies will give you some suggestions on that as well.
What a wonderful gift you gave her. I am glad that you were able to help out with not only the practical stuff, but with moving her forward on her path to healing. Good for you (and her!).
I’m sorry to hear about your mental health of late, but it really sounds like you are taking the proverbial bull by the horns and knocking those dark cobwebs out. I love that you trained with a formidable team, and hopefully got some tips and tricks from them. And here’s to your weight loss - as someone who keeps to…
Thank you! Looking forward to more publishing opportunities.