
Oooh - well, congrats if you made your point, and hopefully it made a difference before the banhammer was dropped!

He is very sweet. Let’s hope he stays that way!

You know, that is funny - I texted a pic to Mom.TARDIS. She instantly texted back, “Muggles.” She’s completely stuck on that and I think she’ll probably call him that no matter what we name him! Good luck with your pup search!

I love Joey. We have a friend named Joe who’d be tickled pink.

Fantastic news! The core strength is so very important, especially as we get older. The more my back goes out, man!!! The more I am happy that I work on my core/upper body! Keep it up!

I agree. He’s pretty chill and sweet, so it will probably be a name that reflects that.

He most definitely is!!

I like Baxter a lot! Great suggestion!

OMG I’m jealous. I had snowboarding lessons in my mid-30s and I sucked as much as I did skiing. Good on you!!!

Jesus CHRIST is that normal for an interview!?? Holy hell im exhausted just thinking about it. Crossing my fingers and legs for you!!!! I love Pete and Petey.

You know what? Categorizing all of that and penning it here is an accomplishment. You know what you did, and you know what you can do better. Kudos on not kicking yourself and looking forward, as that’s more than most folks would do. I am more literary and want Dickens or Jude, but we will see. I agree with an older

It’s your Weekly Achievement Thread! What have you done this week that you’re proud of? Let us know so we can crow along with you!

Oh, hell, that sounds awful! I’m so glad that you made it out of bed after the infections and kicked the gym’s ASS!

I’m so glad to know that you are moving through the haze of pain and there is light at the end of the tunnel! Here’s to more days of longer and longer stretches without the pain, and eventually back to the pain-free days.

Awesome job! I am hoping that this added strength and stamina bleeds into the other areas of your life as well and improves it. Way to go!

I could absolutely eat the reds in this photo - fantastic! LOVE Mamiyas - I have four film Mamiya cameras.

Isn’t it nice when you roll in, do what comes naturally, and people think you’re a bonafide rockstar? Congratulations, and I’m glad you’re enjoying the kids!

You’ll have to let us know how the juicing goes! I hope you have many happy hours with your new library books as well.

OH how I feel you. Mr.TARDIS and I were supposed to take our belated (by 3 years) 20-yr wedding anniversary trip in April, which is a tour around Ireland for 2-3 weeks. NOPE! Not happening. I’m going to London by myself to present at a conference. Sigh. Crossing my legs for you!!!!

Weekly Achievement Thread! What’s been going on the last couple weeks? How much booty have you KICKED? Let us know so that we can revel in your awesomeness!