
Congrats! That sounds like a fun time, and I’m sure you’ll be a great face for the museum!

I AM WATCHING CHLOE RIGHT NOW!!!! Aaaaah! I saw Ramona’s babies be born (and poor Purple Prince), and saw Rula pop out that little black panther right in poor Chloe’s face. So excited!

Yep! Your progesterone is probably tanking, and a lot of these are estrogen dominance symptoms. Here’s my supplement cocktail:

Weekly Achievement Thread! What did you do this week that you are proud of? Share your victories so we can crow along with you.

I can only imagine! I’ve been at the post-secondary level solely since 2002, and have only been FT for six of those 16 years - tenure-track seems like a dream!

CONGRATS - that is HUGE. I got my start in public secondary ed, and then went to private K & Grade 1, and couldn’t deal with all of the bullshit handed to me daily (I’ve been in post-secondary since 1997). How wonderful that you can finish your license and also receive the kudos that you deserve! Getting that

Uggggh - mine are in their 70s and we just buried my dad’s dad last year, who was 97. I’m NOT looking forward to the mind going on either one of them. Hang in there, and you’ll get through this.

Not yet! Based on your rec/reaction, I’ll have to dive into that one next.

Whoo! And F those assholes! Make sure to refuel and also hit the bathroom as running the floor with a UTI is not what you need for your last two weeks. You got this!

WOAH! How amazing is that!?!?! Congratulations to you both. Here’s to you making the most of your new paths together!

Congrats on the new job! Whoo hoo! Here’s hoping the video doc goes successfully, as our generation needs more of those so that we don’t forget the impact. It’s wonderful to hear about your acquiring your grandma’s legacy in the form of the letters, as it’s so important for your family to have that. And how cathartic

Thanks - here’s hoping it goes through and no one forgets to dot an ‘i’! You’re halfway through the challenge, so here’s some renewed energy and flexibility to get you through. I am heartened to hear about your business moving forward successfully, too. Good on you.

Thanks! It’s not a done deal as the application needs to be accepted and the funding has to go through, but crossing my legs!

Oooh - fingers crossed! Glad to hear you made it out of the stomach flu... ugh!

I made Crack Slaw tonight, which is a ketogenic dinner dish. It’s ground beef, ginger, soy sauce, garlic, salt & pepper, and chopped cabbage. It’s amazing and low Carb!

I’m on my 8th blanket for the homeless of the year (knitted). I distribute them with a friend to the local homeless, mostly in the downtown areas.

I’m rolling through all of Daphne du Maurier’s novels and am on “I’ll Never Be Young Again.”

Hey, y’all! It’s the Weekly Achievement Thread! What did you do this week that we need to celebrate? Show off a little - we’d love to hear about it!

Awesome!!! Let us know what you plant and what works out.

Weekly Achievement Thread! What did you accomplish this week? Let us know so we can crow!