That’s pretty huge for someone his age! Wow.
That’s pretty huge for someone his age! Wow.
That is so exciting - congratulations! You can counteroffer on the salary and perhaps bide yourself more time on Job #1.
I’m Irish and Scottish AND German, so those potatoes were singing to me for the entire dinner. Damn.
Ugh - hang in there. Polish your resume and start low-key looking, just in case you can’t take any more from them. Here’s hoping you hang in there are persevere past the assholes that just don’t get it.
Slow and steady wins the race, so good on you! And two outta three ain’t bad - you’re only got another week! You got this!
I’ll have to check that one out - I usually don’t do podcasts because I’m EXTREMELY visual and tend to wander off during them. But I definitely could use some humor, so thanks for the rec!
Best of luck in the upcoming weeks with this dude that he figures out where his place is and starts becoming more & more of a team player. Fingers are crossed!
I hope you dried out quickly, and felt the burn so you didn’t get a chill! Way to go!!!
Weekly Achievement Thread! What have you done this past week that you’re particularly happy about? Let us know so that we can crow about it with you!
Thank you! I’m anticipating a loss for at least the first year or so, but I have pretty much zero overhead - and the tax write-offs!
Ooh - what are you going to plant? Take it easy on yourself tomorrow- rest and hydrate those muscles & joints!
Thank you! Crossing my fingers.
Weekly Achievement Thread! What did you do this week that kicked ass? Share here so that we can celebrate with you!
Oh, that’s so awesome - we only usually hear about the horror stories of online dating. I always say that people can be total lying dicks at a bar just as much as they can be online. Good for you getting out there and meeting folks!
I like how you were so proactive, but also doing a good deed for the other residents. Hopefully someone will pick up the slack after a while.
That’s so sad for the pup. :( But I’m glad you’re there for him/her, even though I’m sure your skin is crawling a bit!
If you have to deal with customer service, that’s a really difficult thing to give up during Lent! I’dve probably just lit the place on fire. And good for you sticking with your resolve to not eat the junk - you got this!
Isn’t that such a relieving feeling to get ALL of that off of your plate? I can’t imagine the load off with the returns, but unloading the bags and shredding it I’m sure felt cathartic. Congratulations on the return funds as well! That’s exciting.
Congratulations! That is wonderful news. I know what you mean about the guarded celebration - I’ve had job offers before and until you sign the contract/paperwork? All bets are off. I hope you celebrate and kick ass in your new position!
I love this. A lot of times, bosses don’t get praise and what you told him just sounds just perfect.