It's a post about the results of a study, so isn't the most natural place for a hyperbolic headline.
It's a post about the results of a study, so isn't the most natural place for a hyperbolic headline.
I noticed that, too! Weird headline.
What an extraordinary, lovely story.
My initial post didn't contradict that idea, actually. I was suggesting that the purpose of an ad doesn't allow room to depict some kind of pure relationship between subjects, independent of an intent to titillate. I wasn't suggesting that there is therefore no problem with sexism in advertising. But please do…
My best Psych 101 guess is that the ads in men's mags are meant to suggest "won't you join us?" while the ads in women's magazines are meant to invite the female viewer to imaginatively put herself in the place of the model, and envision herself as the object of the male gaze. (If I buy those panties, this is how…
But inasmuch as fashion photography is ultimately about sales, isn't ALL of it in one way or another about titillating the viewer? That Brie/Jacobs photo shoot is bothersome for several reasons, not least because, as you imply, engaging sexually with each other does not automatically turn two straight women into…
Oooh, Julie Walters actually would be a pretty good choice to play Susan Boyle, if such a thing absolutely must be done.
You've had dengue fever?? AND meningitis? Good God, you poor soul.
Part of me does admire that level of commitment to a tantrum.
It's just annoying because it lends credence to Kilmeade's otherwise obnoxious blather.
You say "go fight the throngs at Zara and H&M" as if Anthropologie were an oasis of tranquil civility operated on a system of small-group browsing-by-appointment.
Oh, my mother is the same way. Part of the reason for that, perhaps, is that per traditional etiquette, you're correctly addressed as "Mrs. [Your First Name] [Married Last Name]" only if you're divorced. So your Nanna may be very pointedly wanting to avoid that.
Seeeeeriously. I should call them now.
This is theoretically true, in a fantasy kind of way, but families who bring big groups of children to family restaurants on holidays are notoriously crummy tippers. Restaurant patrons with small children, in general, are nightmare diners who require lots of extra attention, special-order like crazy, and leave bits of…
If your friend is still in the stage of leaving scarves behind to trick guys into calling her, then it sounds like she's still single, too.
If she's masturbating, that's not "after sex." It means THE SEX IS NOT YET OVER, BIG GUY.
How is carrying booze in a flask sneaky? It's like carrying your diapers in a diaper bag.
Not just cash, but "cash if in doubt." In case they're doubting their own ability to read a really specific list of items. "Honey, when young Douchecanoe says that he wants 'Crokies,' do you think he means Croakies? I feel a little doubtful. Best to go with cash, I guess."
"Fifteen" may have a larger theme, as it were, but there's certainly a bunch of stuff in there about heartbreak and how boys are so fickle—"When you're 15 and somebody tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them," blah blah.