I have Pop Pop in the attic

From my experience this is what will happen: you’ll make a lot of ‘mom friends’ during the early years. Some will stick, some won’t. When the kids start school you’ll make new ‘mom friends’ due to play dates, etc. Some will stick, some won’t. Then the day will come when you’ll look around and have a few friends that

I wondered if bestowed sainthood could be revoked, googled and found out that it cannot. However - Theresa has not been given sainthood yet! I thing there should be a campaign to stop that from happening.

This was my knowledge of Mother Theresa too, I haven’t had any involvement in the catholic church since I was confirmed in 1996.

She was a serial killer in a habit.

You know I can’t believe I forgot about this incident I was involved in with Mother Theresa’s nuns here in the states, but it’s very pertinent. So here goes.

Pfft, what dignity. She sent the money she raised to the Vatican instead of spending it on medical supplies, so people in her “Houses of Dying” (her words) died without sterile medical supplies, current treatment, or even painkillers. They also converted people on their deathbed and read last rights to them regardless

Also, Theresa’s actions were not all saintly. She took the poor of the street, but denied them pain meds and physical suffering was part of what she thought was glorifying god. But, when she was ill she took off to the U.S. To get the best treatment in the world. She was scum in a habit. Possibly a sociopath.

I’m so glad you posted this. Like many I grew up thinking she was this saintly woman who gave everything to help the poor. When I found out the truth I was so disgusted and horrified. The fact that she let people suffer in squalor, saying it brought them closer to God, proves she was sociopath who felt no real

Her affiliation with Papa Doc and Baby Doc from Haiti was pretty reprehensible on its own. But then there’s lobbying for Ireland to continue their divorce restrictions while condoning her BFF Princess Diana’s divorce; pretending to be up in arms about AIDS while being against using condoms to prevent transmission of

“We’ll give you shelter, food, medication, and education but first you have to denounce all of the beliefs that you, your family, and community have held for many, many years.”

I do recommend searching the net because there’s a lot of information out there and a brief summation post by me cannot do it justice. But examples of places to spark your search include deliberately taking donations and using them to line Vatican coffers instead of actually caring for the poor as the donations were

You say that like that’s unusual when it comes to organized religion.

“We have already shut our adoption services, because we believe our children may not receive real love”

“We have already shut our adoption services, because we believe our children may not receive real love,” Sister Amala head of a New Delhi orphanage told the Washington Post. “We do not wish to give children to single parents or divorced people. It is not a religious rule, but a human rule. Children need both parents,

Not surprising considering the history and real legacy of Mother Theresa. Just following in her footsteps of actually hurting people instead of really helping. Luckily there are loads of amazing and cool nuns, but Mother Theresa and her order were/are not these people.

I’m confused.

If you’re looking for advice and not just needing to vent...

My first thought after reading your comment was “Holy shit, somehow your boyfriend and I have the same mother and family!”. My mother is incredibly manipulative and emotionally abusive (My therapist and I think it’s a mix of Borderline Personality and Alcoholism. fun) but rather than address it in a useful way, my

My boyfriend’s mother is absolutely the most toxic person I’ve ever met and through years of therapy he’s been able to put the past behind him and treat her more like an acquaintance than a parent. But I know that if we were to get married and we didn’t invite her, it would send a ripple... no, maybe a tsunami...

Yeah, his parents practically sold him to Disney for drug money. He has not had an easy life and I really feel for him.