
Probably NARS and Shiseido. They're owned by the same people and Shiseido formulates NARS' skin products alongside Francois.


The entirety of Susan Sontag's digital archive has been released, including all of her emails, from her desktop and

you are TWISTING MY INNOCENT WORDZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like there are so many amazingly funny people from Massachusetts and that they are all slightly older than me and grew up near each other but about 40 miles from where I grew up and I blame my parents for not living somewhere where I would have grown up with any or all of Conan, Amy, Steve Carrell, BJ Novak and

i would love to see her as a showrunner of a few different shows! have a shondaland of her own. a poehler party.

Saw her briefly on Today. She kept repeating that when she is around successful people, she has to keep telling herself that she belongs with them.

Of course there are other factors involved! Like culture, history and political situation. Actually believing that everything that's happening in the name of Islam in various parts of the world is 100% due to pure, unadulterated religious dogma inherent in the very tenets of Muslim philosophy, showcases enormous

Totes. But if your argument is that Berkeley students are supportive of Yoo while condemning Maher, you're mistaken. When I was there, there WAS a concerted effort to get him gone, including signs, etc. mentioned by yaydoggiez.

Thank you! Yes! He is totally one of those guys that hates women but is supportive of the feminist movement (well, only the ability to abort and contraception) because he thinks it benefits his dick.

I did too - he was entertaining and a quick thinker, fast to call his bullshit-spewing guests out on their bullshittery. At the time, there weren't a lot of Interesting Liberal Types addressing those kinds of issues in an engaging way.

Not all bears, indeed. But the torturer has been working there for years, collecting a huge salary paid by California taxpayers, and there has been no sustained effort to kick him out. The man wrote the rulings legitimizing torture. Berkeley should have shown a bit more resolve.

I was incensed about that when I was a student there. They justified it with the standard "academic freedom blah blah blah". However, it was awesome seeing "WANTED FOR WAR CRIMES: John Choon Yoo" posters on posts and buildings on a regular basis.


The fact that progressives can still watch after he called Palin the c-word is one of the more shameful parts of our party.

Richard Dawkins is a dick.

I used to really like Maher back in his Politically Incorrect days and lost respect when he needlessly and unapologetically dressed as dead Steve Irwin for Halloween the month after Irwin died. I should've known then that Maher lacks basic decency and fails to debate with any respect. He also has limited education and

Also, his anti-medicine/vaxx crusade.

Should add misogynist asshole to that list as well.