
Nope. I have that comb (in blue) for my kittehs and they do not chill like Maru.

You might be on to something there...

Team cat Headquarters here,

I love Maru. He was my first Internet cat. Sometimes I glare at my 2 cats and demand. "why can't you be more like Maru? It's back to Petsmart for you."

"Downton has always been represented in the British Kennel Club by a Yellow Labrador Retriever named Isis, and always will be represented in the British Kennel Club by a Yellow Labrador named Isis, Matthew! I'll have no more of this nonsense about a bulldog named Sidney! It's preposterous!"

This dog has been alive from before 1912 to 1924+. She was an adult dog in season 1. I think it has been time for Isis to go for some time now (although not because of her bloody name) unless she wants to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for oldest dog ever in a time when medicine was shitty for humans, let

Let's spread the expression, help me do it! I feel very proud of this insult-baby.

Yeah, you pretty much see the kids being ushered into the library once a day to talk to their parents for a minute and then back to the nursery. Which, honestly, I imagine is not the least realistic thing on the show.

I said this very thing.

The Season 1 dog was named Pharaoh!

*cough* The original Isis is not amused by these shenanigans.

Accept no delusional militant twit imitations.

I dressed up as Isis when I was 7. It's a shame that a horrible terrorist group is destroying the name of such a wonderful mythical goddess.

I wish we used Daesh instead, because Isis is ruining a bunch of nice things for us, including the goddess and this lovely dog.


"All going according to plan.... "

Don't the Brits call them ISIL anyway? Let the dog live. I don't care how old she is supposed to be, she's fictional, she can have a longer-than-normal life.

I've seen the first few episodes of the season, and I have to say that Isis is alive and well so far. Although, she has taken on a new magical power, as she is now invisible.

Honestly, what could Sleepy Hollow do? The entire damn premise is built around a headless horseman.