
No, she's a college student. I think you got mixed up from reading articles about how middle aged women have been reading it.

Boiled down to its essentials, that choice was: "full immunity, or call the lawyer you desire," but not both.

It was sort of the same for me. I was in middle school at the time. I didn't quite understand everything that was going on, but I knew we were all supposed to hate her.

One thing that struck me from reading Sidney Blumenthal's book, The Clinton Wars, was that Monica Lewinsky was a lot smarter than the prosecutors had expected. They thought it would be easy to trap her into incriminating Clinton, but she turned out to be very focused and certain in her testimony. She made the lawyers

It's assholes all the way down!

I'd rather blame Kenneth Starr and pretty much the entire GOP for going overboard about a blow job of all things.

I shudder when I remember being an unenlightened high school senior and blaming the entire debacle on her. She was vilified by the media and I'm embarrassed that I didn't know enough not to buy the age-old story of "temptress" and "male weakness". Good for her, indeed, that she can finally take back her narrative.

I'm glad she told them to go fuck themselves. Good for you, Monica. Good for you.

Yeah but you can get that from other things without all the anxiety and nightmares.


Hmmm. I guess I get it.

he is super hot. But I just love how bad ass she is. She don't care that he singing may bring evil, SHE GOT TO SING

Oh my God, is this guy God?????


Yay! We can have a Jessica Lange loving corner over here. (makes more popcorn)

I'm the same way. I didn't like murder house at all it gave me nightmares. I love camp and am digging this season because it's going ALL in on the campy stuff and has a bit of a sense of humor about itself the same way Coven did. And personally I like the Jessica Lang covers! But it's cool if no one agrees, I will sit

They're all the same... :(