
One thing I learned in AA is that alcoholics are, on average, smarted than others, if for no other reason than to adapt their lives to those who aren't. I've always liked Elizabeth, since the moment I saw her as the fresh-faced hottie in La Bamba, hearing her sultry voice throughout the years until now. I feel sadness

Just based on what I've seen personally, alcoholism seems to frequently be the disease of the smartest and most empathetic among us.

One of my uncles died the same way, at about the same age, too. He was a sweet person who had a lot of potential, but his addiction to alcohol destroyed his life. Sometimes people don't understand why I rarely drink, but it's because of seeing how that addiction tore his life apart.


I am so saddened that she was suffering from alcoholism. I feel like we should turn this into a moment of awareness. This horrible disease can take some of the most beautiful people.

I have the flu and am in a hellish mood in addition to the disgusting and miserable conditions associated with said flu. This, Jia Tolentino, made me LAUGH. Thank you.

I'm sorry but that is so stupid. There are things that are right and things that are wrong. It really isn't that hard to keep yourself from doing things that are wrong. Unless you are saying you have no free will and no control of yourself. I'm not religious at all but across humanity, I think we can agree about not

It's funny I saw that interview and that is literally EXACTLY what she said. You transcribe very well!

Fuuuuucccckkkk, leave this woman alone. Ive done a ton of stupid shit and it wasn't even with the most powerful man in the world. People need to just leave her alone.

I'm certain this is a not-coincidental-at-all part of the anti-Hillary campaign.

Natalie Morales said some similar shit this morning on Today when they were talking about Lewinsky. They were talking about her addressing her bullying and Early Morning Asshat Morales interjects with "blah blah blah you have to admit she's responsible for her behavior blah blah blah let's take a moment while talking

I'm having a really hard time coming up with any men that have suffered this much as result of a scandal—no job prospects, no dating life, etc.

I disagree completely. I don't think any third party is responsible for policing the sexual conduct within a relationship. Unpopular though that opinion may be, I think the history of calling outsiders, particularly women, "home-wreckers" is especially fucked up. Relationships are wrecked by the people within them.

After Piers Morgan's show was cancelled in February,

It's been 20 fucking years! Let's give the poor woman a break, already!

I'm one of those people who thinks that Monica Lewinsky didn't deserve the amount of scrutiny she got. First of all, it was the fault of someone else for telling the public that she had an affair with the President. Second of all, he was the President of the United States of America. He had wayyyy more power than

Just about everything you need to know about American cultural views on sex, gender, and power is exemplified by the Lewinsky Clinton scandal. Slut shaming. Victim blaming. Our never ending ability to forgive a powerful man who sometimes does things we admire for truly heinous behavior.

Ok Piers

Repeat after me, Morgan, you ignorant fuck: Never. Blame. The. Victim