
I have no idea why apple would do that. Apple works in shitty ways.

I frequent a number of writing forums and this story along with the Grisham one has revealed a great deal about some of the writers there. If nothing else it has provided me with a list of writers whose books I will definitely not be buying.

Also, I wish more people were pointing out that Hale's article about Blythe is a direct act of aggression against her. It is nothing more than an attempt to scare her, harm her further, violate her boundaries more, and worm deeper into her brain. It's disgusting that Kathleen Hale is being allowed to essentially

I think I was going to explode if you guys didn't cover this story. Thank you for giving it the attention it deserves. Kathleen Hale is a deeply disturbed person. It's horrifying to see so many people—including writers I thought highly of—defend her actions. If she had been a man, no one would be calling her piece

Tell me if you need any more help :)

And to add to his irresistible sexy times allure, he seems to have decorated his little hell hole entirely from the 'Drunken Second Hand Ikea Shit' section of Ebay.

Jammies are impenetrable. Everybody knows that.

If you're not in jammies, you're free for the pickin'.

I don't sleep with any random person! 2 people per bathroom at maximum or the deal's off!

No one is talking about the real issue here. How many bathrooms?!!

This has nothing to do with the post, but I just needed to confess: when I was younger I would rob my bar hookups if they were a lousy lay. Like, take a bottle of booze or a DVD or a scarf. Something to make it worth my time.

My cat is a clean slim female. I thought of her.

'Cause Jammies™ are creep-proof.

Come on. How is this creepy? He said he already has two females around if he wants to get laid (they're females and he's clearly a champion catch so it really is that simple).

I really enjoyed how "Jammies" was capitalized.

Just sleep in Jammies I have no desire to force myself on you.

I'm uncomfortable with a grown man who uses the term "jammies."