
"Even more importantly... does a laser crayon shoot beams that are the same colour as the crayon?"

Crayons don't kill people. Kids with crayons kill people...somehow...if they're really strong...I guess.

I'm currently in the process of getting my Early Childhood Education degree. The children I currently work with make guns out of EVERYTHING. Nothing in my books or in the classes I've taken thus far makes me think they need to be put on a "keep yourself safe" contract. I honestly think the administrators are the ones

I'm 24 and I say hi to every single dog I see. And sometimes squirrels. I thought was a sign of being delightfully whimsical.

whoa, let's not scare the poor woman. I'd say with a little therapy in a quality institution, they can probably stop her before she graduates to durians and things get real.

Clearly your daughter is a high-functioning psychopath. If she'd chosen a softer fruit to emulate, I'd say she's fine, but pineapples are a textbook early indicator.

Completely off-topic, but your username is amazing :D

Another troll, @GustavusAdolphus is in the comments with pictures of animal violence. Please report and dismiss them.

This is just too much. Do these schools employ people that merely walked past a child development book, let alone read one? The little girl is 5. I have a 5 year old. He recently accused his 2 year old sister of being a murderer because she hit him. Should I have a profiler come by and assess my toddler daughter (who

This is such bullshit. The kid I nanny and I play Star Wars and shoot lasers at each other (saying "pew pew" as we do it) all the time! And even if that's behavior more appropriate for playtime at home than in the classroom, there are better ways of handling it. This was an incredibly stupid thing to make a five year

Thank you Ohoyo! It wasn't an intentional downplay of the stats. HUNDREDS of thousands, if not MILLIONS of existing kids. Which makes the ghoulishness even worse, no?

Totally totally agree that that poster doesn't get to cob on to her resolved choice for any reason, whatsoever. Completely.

This was absolutely beautiful, and really captured where I was at when I had my abortion. I was in a stable, long-term relationship with my now husband, and was a mom to a toddler. I knew I wanted another child, but also knew that having one at that time would have meant that it- and my already living child- would

"Love and spontaneity are beautiful, but they have little merit. And while I have plenty of dreams to go around, dreams are not an effective enough tool for you to build a better tomorrow."

Well put.

I realized just lately that if I got pregnant now I'd keep it. That was a strange thing to realize. I wouldn't have said that a year ago.

Callie, noooo! I mean, congrats! But I'll miss your Dirt Bags, they are my favourite morning coffee-reading ever ever.

Working at Jezebel, in other words, was a dream I didn't know I could even feasibly have.