
That hashtag makes me stabby.

I have not declared "best boyfriend ever" or done #soblessed on Facebook. My boyfriend makes me incredibly happy and if you know me, you'll be able to tell that without me screaming about it every third status.

My other half has told me that if I ever brag about or discuss him on Fbook he will pelt me slowly with stale bread rolls, (he's a total social media hater). Not that I ever would anyway because my private relationship's details are just that, private. But we all have that one Fbook friend don't we?

My speshul

I have one that is always saying "OMG!! LUCKIEST GIRL EVAR!!!" about everything her husband does. Honey, most of the rest of us also have husbands who help us when we're sick or vacuum once in awhile. It's just called not being an asshole and isn't really brag-worthy.

I HAVE ALWAYS SAID THIS. And now science can back me up. This, and ordering BareBurger delivery, have already made my weekend.

I posted elsewhere, but the sequined blazer she takes out of Rosanna Arquette's closet when she says, "Your wife owes me a jacket," is sublime. That's the one I coveted.

Those boots are nice Dodai but for me it's all about the jacket.

Also a lot of what Michelle Pfeiffer wore in Married to the Mob.

Those guards knew exactly what was going on and what was going to happen.

Not to derail from this important piece of investigative journalism, but can we just talk about how fucking great Tara Jacoby is. Her art with your words, Madeleine. It's perfection. OMG-4567!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fuck Nicholas Sparks

Hollywood is cranking out yet another Nicholas Sparks movie (The Best of Me, for those keeping track). And I would

Truth. I'm kind of having all the children-related feels right now, because I got to spend some time with my sister and her kids. The oldest one is three, and we're pretty tight, so yesterday I fell asleep on the couch and he woke me up, saying "Wake up, best friend, Dr. Who is on!" and OH MY HEART it just burst.

That kid was my favorite. She looked so distraught!

What the heck! I actually teared up a little when he said, "You poked my heart." When did I become such a softie? Yeesh. Being a dad sure makes the emotions come to the surface a lot more. Also, I'm weird.

My face RN: