
My husband and I do this all the time. "Why didn't you take out the garbage?" "Is this because I'm a lesbian?"

Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).

That's Peregrine son of Paladin, Thain of the Shire, Prince of the Halflings, Guard of the Citadel, Knight of Gondor, Councillor of the North Kingdom.

I just love the idea that there's someone out in the world right now who could say "Please, Lord Cavendish is so formal. Call me Peregrine."

You forgot to mention that when she died her title was Dowager Duchess of Devonshire. Which, as far as titles that make me think of Maggie Smith, is pretty fucking awesome.

Unity and Jessica shared a room when they were teenagers. They had to chalk a line down the middle of the floor. One side was decorated with pictures of Swastikas and Hitler, the other side was festooned with art dedicated to Lenin and Communism.

A side point I know but can we take a second to highlight just how incredible that Elizabeth Röhm moment was? It was maybe the only moment in the history of Network TV where I genuinely thought I might be hallucinating.

Hey Jamie Dornan,

Oh my god, Kat. This is a great article, but my first wander over to Jalopnik. Is it always like this? Are they really this "what about the menz"y? I think I need to nopetopus away from this comment section, yikes!

They probably didn't know. That's why we medical people are screened once a year. TB has an indolent, nonspecific prodrome. In lay terms, it's slow, and the symptoms aren't glaringly TB. That's why we are torn whenever someone is admitted with an undiagnosed lung lesion. Do we need to put them on full TB precautions,

Yo, my dad is a radiation oncologist who for his entire career specialized in prostate cancer treatment. He's made it pretty clear that the fact of the matter is that prostate cancer research gets about as much money each year as it needs, as there aren't huge leaps and bounds to be made in that specific sub-field.

Woman + ???? is the question here. Gender is experienced differently based on other aspects of an individual's make up. In other words, it isn't just about gender, although gender may be a factor. Generally, I would think income level plays the biggest role in car sales, but that's conjecture.

Women as a whole or women who have other traits in common, Dick? Because that's the issue here: universalising the experiences of women to lock them into some sort of "woman demographic." You need to start talking about intersections here. Age and class are two big ones you should immediately be considering.

Three other colors. All four are based on eye shadow shades. I kid you not.

I love that you include Roseanne in this mix. People don't put her in the same category with other great TV moms, but SHE was out there busting her ass in any demeaning job she could get, sometimes two at a time, to make ends meet. Living in a town that didn't offer their kids a lot of options, but clearly loved them