
And it usually takes more than 3 victims to figure out if there's a serial killer. Depending on the size of the department, moving shifts around might have been unfeasible UNTIL there was a high enough amount of occurrences. Why go straight to blaming the department instead of considering that a lot of campus security

Your (absolutely stellar) article on the NFL applies just as powerfully to college football. Hell, it applies to all the macho-culture male sports, and I say that as a veteran of one.

While this is disturbing as fuck for many reasons, the silver lining is that we now have a better study to refer to when discussing this stuff with crazy MRAs. No, it won't change their minds, but at least when these assholes come at us with "DO YOU HAVE ANY SOURCES FOR THAT HMMM WHERE IS MY FEDORA?" we have something

Missouri firearms regulations, on the other hand :

I want to counter-protest against everyone's sunglasses in this photo


thank god this 13 year old boy is fighting for the right to tell women what they can and can't do...

Show me any evidence that these 72 hour waiting periods affect decision making or FUCK OFF FOREVER. Oh, you can't? Then shut up.

No, absolutely not. I didn't learn about Stonewall, or really much at all about LGBT anything until university. I did try to read as much as I could about young lesbians (there is a lesbian in Reviving Ophelia), but there wasn't much I could find that wasn't fiction. I didn't even know the T existed. Small town,

Thanks for this retrospective, Kat. It's important to remember how far we've come and how far we still have to go.

Well, I remember that my refusal to identify as a boy infuriated my peers. I talk about that as a distinction between me and many of the cisgender gay men I know and call friends. They would say, "I am a boy." I would remain silent. Saying clearly to everyone, "I am a girl" was too dangerous, but saying, "I am a boy"

i agree with you. i mean the ultimate insult that boys use against each other has to do with being likened to a girl albeit derogatorily. i would love to also hear about the experiences of masculine gay boys in school.

I actually think there's something to that idea, although I'm not entirely clear if it's something I should have the main voice on, given that I am not a cisgender gay man and never was a cisgender gay boy. What I do know is that in my own experiences, I gave notice over and over and over that views of me as a "gay

i wonder if the reason "effeminate" gay men are ridiculed/attacked is because of their femininity? i once read a youtube comment equating the backlash (including from their own group) against feminine gay guys with misogyny. what do you think about that?

The easiest way to get Rick Scott to do something is to have control of the seven horcruxes.