
Thanks for the honest answer Mr. Stamper, how can this broken relationship be fixed or transformed into a soemthing positive, in your opinion?

Yes. To all. The drug war has cost this country well over a trillion dollars. It's resulted in the incarceration of tens of millions of low-level, nonviolent drug offenders — overwhelmingly young people, poor people, people of color. It's severely damaged the relationship between the police and those communities that

Fascinating. Cops need to know that "snitching" off fellow officers who engage in racism or excessive force or corruption or sexual harassment (up through and including sexual assaults) is, or should be, part of their job description...a condition of employment.

Are you ready to admit that the War on Drugs directly targeted low-level offenders (black and brown skinned people) as a means of populating and advacning the privatization of the prison system? Also, are you willing to admit that police respond and treat potential suspects differenly on the basis of color and/or

Why don't departments track killings by cops - even if only to keep an eye out for any particularly trigger-happy officers for liability reasons?

Should we cut back our excessive use of SWAT teams full of heavily armed men and women?

When I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, I read the entire Little House series and every night at the dinner table, would narrate to my family exactly what had happened in the chapter I read that day. So my family basically got the worst "book on tape" version of Little House ever. Sorry family!!

He's pulling your leg.

No, I actually not kidding. Due to stopping at a double stop sign, my old college buddy is now a felon, and therefore cannot live within 3 miles of a school, and unfortunately, his house was right next to an elementary school, he went through 2 years of appeals courts to be able to continue living in his OWN house!

They have a responsibility not to say racist bullshit and acknowledge that the world is not full of only white people and that white people are the only ones reading their magazine. Is that what you're trying to justify?

Your username is perfect for this comment.

The lawsuit is a little confusing re: the other African American employees. It sounded like some were in editor positions, but maybe on the web as opposed to in the mag?

"Robertson said when she pitched a story about an African-American model who'd been killed, Gleick told her the victim looked like a "slut" and the magazine wasn't interested."

Nerds will be nerds. Personally I could care less if they slept together. Good on them. I think people forget that our hobby is GAMES. Stop taking this all so seriously folks. Does the website involve games, and does it entertain you? If the answer is yes to both, you win.

I think it's ridiculous only because...who cares who someone is having sex with?

The ridiculous pitchfork mob after Zoe Quinn because she made a fucking game that manchildren are crying about is ridiculous. People have doxxed everything they can about her, dug up every past relationship. This is psychotic, it is beyond psychotic.