
And did any of this patriots ever consider that perhaps, just perhaps, the soldier and his family were a bunch of dickheads and the exgf might have had some perspective on their ability to care for the dog? I guess I missed the memo where people in the military are all awesome people with equally awesome families

Funny, I've tried googling numerous iterations of this story and keep coming up with terrible stories about Fort Carson soldiers returning home with PTSD and physically harming their families and NO articles that indicate precisely why the exgf needed to re-home the dog. Any related stories state that she re-homed

And after perusing the comments on this thread, I'm just fucking disgusted by the number of people who feel it appropriate to threaten physical violence against this "cunt" exgf without hearing her side of the story. Why are we presuming that this soldier and his family are good people just because he's in the

I'm willing to take a "cunt" in the face for this, but this dog's "rightful" owner is in fucking Afghanistan—not bodily present to take care of HIS dog. If his family was so attached to this animal, wouldn't they have opted to take the dog into their care when he was deployed? Wouldn't the soldier, as a responsible

Truly, that is the real outrage in this story.

I've had two, back in the day. :3

#COTD nominee for ROYGBIV. Hell, I think I'm going to bring that back.

"Eubank thought it was important to show that Nick isn't defined by his disability," yet Nick's girlfriend Haley IS defined (limited) by her gender and relationship.

"In The Signal, two computer experts from MIT travel named Nick and Jonah across the country, along with Nick's girlfriend Haley" and I stopped reading! I'm very sorry to disregard this movie on the basis of the girlfriend getting the usual noob/non-geek stats, but at this point it's just boring, bye!

My husband and I once had drinks at Bar Bouchon in Beverly Hills, and Antonio Banderas was sitting at the next table. He was very low-key and acted like a regular person.

I met them both years ago at Space Camp when they brought their kids to camp. They both came themselves to check them in which kind of surprised me. They were the only celebrity parents (in my years there at least) who personally dropped off their kids and came to pick them up and attended the graduation as well.

The best part is "a female outside had broken into two of his beers." I don't know if this would be a better story if it was a female human or, like, a female raccoon.

Or ask questions at the shop? It's not like the employees haven't helped a bunch of people who are new to weed (or new to the stronger weed of today) with questions about potency and usage. This is just going to be another stupid news item that the anti-legalization people are going to pick up and scream WHAT ABOUT

Seriously. In the article she says there was no recommended serving size, but, in that case, you ASK the people at the dispensary, Maureen. Or look it up. Unless, of course, you're trying to imbibe drugs in the dumbest way possible on purpose so you can write a sensationalist article about them.


Um, okay. So we should also make alcohol illegal b/c some noob may drink 3 long island iced teas because they didn't realize how strong they are and they just taste so good and end up vomiting their life away into their toilet at 2 AM? So it is alcohol and society's fault for not telling me—i mean, that hypothetical