
OMG YOUR MOM TOO!! My mom still says that crap! I did play with a Ouija board once in an old apartment building. Nothing happened was weird. I think I was anticipating something happening though, and that's why I got the creeps.

lol awesome

But its fun as hell at 13 year olds slumber parties until someone cries.

I'd say that human imagination is a lot wilder than most people will accept. And that your grasp on what's real is a lot weaker than most people will accept.

I CONSTANTLY try to conjure ghosts with my mind, and it does not work. For the billionth time, fuck all ghosts. All ghosts are pussies. Do something about it, you pussy ass ghosts. Fuck ghosts.

You should keep coming back. Gawker desperately needs a queer-specific blog and Kat is meeting the need wonderfully. Support!

There's a racial sensitively hierarchy in the political correctness of America. Blacks, Jews, and gays (despite not being a race) are at the top, so they would never be targetted for a joke like this. Whites, middle easterners, and latinos are the middle, and this issue shows that Asians are at the bottom alongside

I am conflicted that this information came to us via Syria's hacking of the FBI.

A lot of people object to reporters doing their job. Unless reporters don't do their job, then it would be all "Why are those horrible lazy reporters refusing to cover the grief of the families!"

There is indeed no harm, except to the Malaysian government which is apparently nothing more than a bunch of amateurs when it comes to managing 1) grieving family members and 2) the media. This government has never before had its authority challenged on the world stage and it is really doing a pathetic job.

I'm actually not sure when/how the custom arose.

AH! thanks so much for the info. (Is this a longstanding cultural thing or did this practice arise post bird flu?)

If you are a little bit familiar with Malaysia, meaning its political system and culture, it is not at all surprising to read something like this. Malaysian leaders overall are trying to bridge an impossible gap: Trying to keep the One Party in power as it has been for the last decades and controlling the information

In many Asian countries it's considered common courtesy to wear a mask if you are sick or suspect you may be getting sick in order to prevent infecting others. Many people do this even if they only have a slight cold.

True, some people will always be pissed. But, most people won't. And they'll satisfy more people by appearing open, honest and cooperative than they will by not.

When it comes to governments and tragedies, it shouldn't be a cost/benefit. They have an obligation.

Interesting that you think a protest from the people who have the most at stake in this incident is a "disruption".

In normal society the government doesn't tell reporters what to do, and they don't try to squash expressions of anguish from victims.