
I got one these a week or two back. It's pretty easy to spot as fake. The subject line was "Important Google document" and the body was this:

She is doing quite well for a casting director who has dabbled in acting.

There was also the dynamic of Carol breaking, which Rob hinted at, with Carol pushing the gun at Tyreese and all but asking him to kill her. A suicidal gesture where she had, in fact, broken so far it was time for it to be over - she was surrendering. Tyreese's forgiveness in that way saves Carol's life.

Yes! This really highlighted how influential perspective is in difficult decision-making. They mentioned it on The Talking Dead but I too thought Tyreese's reaction would have been very different if Carol had confessed during their earlier talk given where they both were emotionally then—just like things would have

Very good point. When I watched the video, I was wondering if he was rolling in his owner's scent.

All she wanted was to have a golf ball hit off of her bare ass, but instead she was humiliated like this.

I couldnt sleep with those masks on, too noisey and felt like I was suffocating

Get checked for sleep apnea. It happens in all body types, but being overweight can be a factor. Looking back, I did toss and turn a lot, I would wake up feeling like my heart was ready to leap out my chest, tired in the afternoon... I slept this way for YEARS. Doc recommended a sleep study... TL;DR : I had 80

This interview was definitely a "We've got them both right where we want them, now release the bears!" moment.

You nailed both of them.

He's a pompous, disrespectful blowhard who countenances spying and bullies guests. She a racist shit-stirrer who thinks she's advancing feminism by trolling and throwing other women she doesn't like under the bus, and then asking for dudebro points for being so "edgy" and "an equal opportunity offender". So I come

Me too. I don't agree with everything she says, but for the most part she's pretty truthful. I also like that she gives a lot of up and coming comedians a chance. Not all of them are great, but I would have never been introduced to Fortune Feimster if it wasn't for Chelsea.

He was the 70s, in fact.

"I do what I please"

My grandma is so dependent on others. It's sad bc everyone is busy or in a hurry so she doesn't really get her needs met. She gets really depressed bc even though she's 93, she's all there and she wants to do things. I used to live there and take her everywhere but I had to move. I feel bad everyday.

This is one of the things that scares me about getting old. People start deciding for you where you need to go and when. Now at some point for some people that becomes necessary, but still, I think I'd rather buy a condo near a hospital in a city with good public transit, if I can afford it.

THIS!!! What the hell is a retirement community spending it's money on that it needs to stop ferrying it's (rent/lease/mortgage-paying) population to the grocery store (where they need to go to eat, to, you know, stay alive and therefore maintain their ability to *keep* paying for accommodation in the retirement

As much as people pay to live in these places, a bus should be a given.

It's people like Evelyn who can show us that getting older doesn't mean we have to stop leading meaningful and productive lives. And yes Evelyn, I will have tea and a muffin, because I'm sure they're AWESOME.