
Her name was Zelda. She was a calligraphy enthusiast with a slight overbite and hair the color of strained peaches.

Dear ██████

Dear Link,

We all have our moments of self doubt. That doesn't necessarily mean those feelings are justified… except in this case. You are shitty. Stop spying on people and get a life.

"Cat plans on eating owner as soon as they die."

"Cat Looks on in Bemusement as Owner Freezes to Death"

THIS IS WHY I AM TEAM DOG FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go on...

Unless you've got 9 psych degrees, 3 black belts, and TWO 12 inch cocks, I've got one more of each of those things than you.

I've got 8 psych degrees, two black belts, and a 12 inch cock, and I think you should probably quit for the night.

Yes, and of those thousands of strikes an incredibly miniscule percentage of them strike people, which was the whole point of that metaphor. I think the last direct hit in America was on an Alabama woman in the 1950s. Meteors hit the earth constantly, but almost never hit people. Therefore it would be grossly

I hate stories like this, because MRAs love them. False rape accusations are about as statistically common as meteor strikes and are a completely specious, idiotic reason to discount rape accusations. But high profile ones like this (yes I am assuming that Faircloth is lying, literally every single piece of evidence

Hmmm. Given that I have several alternate identities online - one as a pen name for my writing, and one so I can be out here as a trans person while I work on coming out as such in my personal and professional life, the attempt to discredit her for "posing as a boy" is really disturbing to me. Anonymity and

I agree with Uniball, but try the Jetstream series, they are around $3, and glide in paper like it's butter.
Ball size go from 0.3 to 1, but my favorite is the 0.5.

This pen is for her

Cool: I hated working the garden when I was a kid. Now I appreciate it.

"While you may think this would never happen, over the course of my career as a paramedic, I've actually been on calls and seen people die as a result of drinking too much water. Exactly how this can take place and more specifically what is going on in the body is a topic for another article, though, as this one's

She reminds me of Werner von Braun: "My job is getting the rockets to fly; where they land is a matter of politics."

LOVE this pen but it leaks like a 90 year old man with Prostate issues who drank a big gulp 32 ounce over an hour ago...