
You know what’s interesting is that looking back on my childhood, I can’t remember a single baseball or football game my team won or lost. Not one. I remember my friends, the fun of practice, the thrilling joy of a base hit or an open running lane, and most of all, the pizza parties at season’s end. Did we ever win a

Fine, I get it. You win, Burneko. You have two boys, so you can write something perfect like this. I have two girls and I’m reading reviews on Amazon for leotards.

What makes Rocky the greatest sports movie ever made is that he doesn’t win the title.

That piece is not worth watching. There is absolutely no science in that piece that connects participation trophies to anything harmful. It assumes that kids don’t understand the difference between winning and losing, between a trophy that says “Participation” and “Champion.” The most “science” there is the doctor who

You forgot about the people who get mad when elite players want to all be on the same team, whether it’s the AAU or the NBA. Clearly winning matters to them. In fact, if you ask youth coaches now they’ll tell you the hardest part is convincing kids to keep playing if their team isn’t dominant. If anything, winning

But you are ignoring the negative consequences to society of long term participation trophies. Look at all that is wrong with this country. Crime is down. Teenage pregnancy is down. Teenage drug use, smoking, and drinking are down. And I could go on and on. Clearly participation trophies are eroding their character.

I don’t see how they’re different. You get the same finisher medal for running hard the whole time or walking the whole thing. Participation trophies can be tangible reminders of difficult mental/physical challenges. A lot of kids legitimately work hard and improve in youth sports leagues and lose by just as much as

I am so goddamn sick and tired of this “waah, everybody gets trophies nowadays” shit.

He’s right you know. This country is so entitled. Why just look at this football player who was upset about all the times he wasn’t invited to the White House just because he didn’t win that years Super Bowl. I wish James Harrison had been around to straighten him out.