
she came in like a wrecking ball

I have nothing but respect for Ms. Dunham, but that outfit reminds of my then-middle-aged mom wandering around the house in a nightshirt. "Mom, please put on some pants/shorts/something!"

Sinead O'Connor is not a member of the lucky sperm club. Her parents had an ugly divorce. She was abused by her mother. After shoplifting as a teen, she wound up in a Magdalene Asylum. Sinead got to where she is because of talent. That her talent is interwoven with mental illness makes her success even more striking.

I remember having nightmares while I was in high school and college of going to class wearing a shirt but no pants.

I think *she* missed something.

On Lena Dunham, who apparently "...only dresses up as a giant baby when she is playing a fictional character," I present exhibit A:

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Sinead pulls a classic slut shaming stunt and Miley is STILL your personal pinata?? What in the actual fuck you guys.
I can't believe I'm saying this but LEAVE MILEY ALONE ALREADY.

I am so stunned. I never thought I could just despise, just LOATHE a stranger THIS MUCH. And I have hated strangers A LOT — just not this much. I hope he dies horribly and soon. No — horribly in a long, drawn-out, dreadful way. Yes. That's what I hope for Max Landis.

Given he is the son of John Landis, it makes him somewhat easier to despise... Some of us still remember the hubris that lead to the deaths of three people on a film set not so long ago.

So, in the parts that I got through before deciding to just be all nope nope nope, I couldn't help but think of this...

Wow. What an arrogant asshole.

Having toiled in the coal mines of Hollywood for more years than I care to admit, I think it was my close personal friend and confidante Vic Morrow who once told me that the apple never fell far from the tree.

I just watched the bling ring last night, and after that movie and the interview with this wanker, (Who was really not THAT different from many of the men I met dating here in LA. ...probably just more upfront in his anxiety-laden-self-conscious-congratulatory-confidence game) I dont want to leave the house. These

Christ, he's a dead ringer from a completely not him Hollywood douche I met last year. Struggling Persian amateur actor, bisexual, closeted, NASTY personality.

He reminds me of the film 'In the company of men' starring Aaron Eckhart. If he wasn't so young, I'd swear he wrote the script.
You can tell by his faux butthurt that he doesn't get why people are annoyed by his childish, misogynistic witterings. He's a grade A entitled shit-stain and always will be.

Everyone is just soooo against shaming, so, if enough of us women deem a guy is morally deserving of an internet ass whooping, it's okay?

Based on Eddie Murphy's opinion of Landis post-Coming to America, this isn't a surprising way for things to have worked out. YMMV, depending on how reliable you find Eddie Murphy and/or the whole nature v. nurture thing.

I don't know a single person who would sleep with someone because they are famous. I know a lot of people who would sleep with some famous people because a lot of famous people are hot. When a guy says he likes a celebrity it's because she is hot when a girl says it it's because he is famous. The way people miss these

This guy will ruin Wonder Woman. He's way too anti-woman to make a movie about a feminist superhero. Shes an icon! UGH i hope this asshat doesent fuck it up.

I'm sorry, but this interview was barely even quasi-offensive, or at least not offensive enough to warrant the ridiculous overreaction to it. It was just some guy saying some stuff that no one cares about either way. I think there is a bit of "getting angry just to get angry" going on with this write up.