
Me too. *clap clap*

Look, she's a public figure. She needs to put her big-girl pants on and acknowledge it and do what countless other public figures have done, which is both use it to her advantage AND to others less fortunate. That's why she makes the big bucks and gets treated to all the privileges that come with celebrity. It's


I was all set to try to appreciate Heaven's Gate, but then read the cast list and the imdb summary and realized the only female characters were prostitutes and was like, eh, screw it. I know what you're going to say....product of its time/setting. And isn't it all, isn't it all....

I think you just made my case.

Lamotrigine is my lifesaver as well. And I, too, am open about being bipolar.

You don't know how much that will help keep me from dealing out death to my ex today. Thanks!


Oh, well maybe your prescient friend should go to work at Random House. LOL.

No, please, don't run away with more insults, enlighten me. Tell me how you discern when a writer is telling the truth and is not telling the truth. Because I believe even Nan Talese — a far greater editor and discerner of writers than you or I will ever be — got blindsided by James Frey. So please, enlighten us all

Excuse me (re Brandi. You can rag on LaLohan all you want) but Brandi is prohibited from allowing her children on her TV show by her ex, yet the evil stepmother Rimes constantly posts Tweetpics of herself and "my boys." And the latest pic showed her letting one of the kids ride a bike without a helmet. What mother

OK, Ms. Snotty Snottypants. Through pure shaming and pushing your snotty attitude, I cry uncle. Some writers (which ones I guess YOU get to decide) know the truth and can see the truth and tell nothing but the truth, like people in front of a judge...Oh wait....(Glad you were never MY coworker.)

In a James Frey, some of these things happened but then my brain embellished them into these other directions sort of way? Also, if this is so fricking important, shouldn't publishers be villified for allowing such writerly chicanery? And y'know, if you ask the people who read it, would they have enjoyed it any less

I'm wholly ignorant of Three Cups of Tea, so I should probably just back out of this argument. But the older I get as a writer, the more I doubt the whole concept that we can "know" anything to be true or not. Isn't every fact either something told to us by people (who can lie or be fuzzy) or by documents (which can

I tape quotes all over my walls to help me. One says "Leap and the net will appear." Just not off a bridge ;) Another one I like is "You alone are enough to meet the sunrise." And I'm going to let you talk without constantly chiming in anymore, because I want you to have the last word and I think you are doing the

Cool! I rejected my diagnosis and refused to learn about it. Now that I've accepted it the insights I gain are invaluable. Thanks for your help.

Thanks! Now that you mention it, I AM on Lamotrigine. Lamictal was what my first shrink prescribed years ago when I had a job and great insurance in what I like to call The Time Before (The Great Recession). I'm also on Clonazepam, not Klonopin. I don't know why I use the brand names. Maybe they're more recognizable?

I wish I could say something better than "I completely feel you." I also had the IRS knocking down my door for nonpayment of taxes one year, because hell, when you can't get out of bed, you also aren't tending to things like your taxes. My ex actually saved my ass by hiring an accountant who got me out of it. I should