Great album!
Great album!
something something fight for the consumer something something
*Reads headline*
All signs point to yes.
Do i benefit more from being a lurker or an active commenter?
It took me over 10 hours just to beat the Cleric Beast |:
If this doesn't do well Xbone is Xboned.
How many gold mario amiibos is it worth?
Here come all the menz tellin the gals to be good little girls...
Talk about throwback thursday! Good times back then.
Sony says they'll have more details on Morpheus this coming E3 "and beyond."
Rousey gonna Rousey. Haters gonna hate.
Ive only ever read good things about it but I'll be the first to admit that I didn't enjoy this game. At all. Yes the colorful backdrops were different from the greys and browns that saturated the market at the time. At the end of the day its just another bro shooter trying to out-bro its bigger fps bros, bro.
Over the weekend I joined my friends to do some Amiibo deals from craigslist ads. We drove 45 miles so they could get a villager for $100. I don't understand this behavior but at least we didn't get murdered.
Friends?! That has a zone all its own!