D.B. Coupe

Where’s Alex Jones when you need him?...

It’s a Japanese or American 4 door with broken struts on the left side and hasn’t had an oil change frequently enough to prevent a black smokescreen/knocking loud enough to make the neighbor blaring his subs at 3am seem like a decent guy. She doesn’t understand why her cars keep having “seizures”. She didn’t even know

Hoosier driving an ‘04 Fxt daily here,

Replace half of the budget for F-35 with A-10's and strafe our enemies with unending waves of brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. All I want for Christmas is my two GAU’s

Came in 3.2 seconds. Quickest off the line

“Everything is A-okay and I feel fine. The capitol is turning around... the view is tremendous!”