
Anyone want to go halfsies with me on that $100,000,000. Okay, really I can only reasonably contribute $50,000 to buying Gawker. But I'll give you headline vetoing power!

So, if a film is nominated in multiple categories including Best Picture, but just doesn't win…that's what we're calling a snub now? Sounds like the billionaire who complains about being oppressed like the Jews in Nazi Germany because he's denied his first amendment right to bribe every politician with unlimited

Kat on Supergirl because the writers want too many mutually exclusive things from her: Devil Wears Prada-like boss, Perry White-like beacon of journalistic integrity, maternal role model, feminist role model who had to fight her way to the top in a boy's club and giving back by going out of her way to staff her media

Dear AV Club.

I'm super confused as to whether the writer knows that DC doesn't represent all superhero movies and that Age of Ultron is one of the most anticipated films of the year…or if the writer is just a bitter hipster…something that really has gone out of style.

And let's boycott companies pushing the lie of a round Earth too! Because is there anything more evil than science?

LOL! Marvel FTW!

She be jeepin'! I will not even be watching this show sporadically.

Wish you could have asked about her insane anti-vax position.

I'm kind of surprised they haven't done one that spells out how the same character types and relationships keep popping up in Sorkin shows like the super talented but flawed leading on-air male personality having a "will they/won't they" romantic plot line with the off-air female producer who's supposed to be the best