Oh you're in for some fun. The first season had some touch and go moments where they couldn't balance the Chatwin parody without making Tessa seem like a NY bitch, but the show on the whole is pretty great
Oh you're in for some fun. The first season had some touch and go moments where they couldn't balance the Chatwin parody without making Tessa seem like a NY bitch, but the show on the whole is pretty great
This is easily the best episode of the new season, but the whole Jerry-Eileen bit is ridiculous (WHY would she even be involved?!)
In our review, we didn't like the return of Constable Bob - although Justified has done comedic idiots as amusing distractions, this just felt too dumb for the show. The shoot-out just felt unnecessary - like so much in this episode. It just felt like we were waiting for the inevitable reveal and the remainder of the…
Completely agree with your assessment that this was the by ep of the season and maybe even the series.
Watching Revolution sometimes makes us feel like we forgot to take our pills. Every once in a while something interesting will happen, but then Charlie comes back to remind us that the show wants us to cheer for an idiot character/untalented actress. Blurgs-ville!
Watching Revolution sometimes makes us feel like we forgot to take our pills. Every once in a while something interesting will happen, but then Charlie comes back to remind us that the show wants us to cheer for an idiot character/untalented actress. Blurgs-ville!
Completely agree. Masterful cat and mouse interrogation. It's strange to us that some people think that Carrie just broke Brody, as though he wasn't actively participating/concealing things throughout. They were playing each other, even as they were performing for Quinn and Saul.
Completely agree. Masterful cat and mouse interrogation. It's strange to us that some people think that Carrie just broke Brody, as though he wasn't actively participating/concealing things throughout. They were playing each other, even as they were performing for Quinn and Saul.
It's interesting to have the entire episode without the others considering that the Governor is clearly meant to be juxtaposed to Rick in terms of leadership style. It is pretty amazing what Morrisey does with the role though, because you SO want to believe that he is telling the truth, even though the creepiness vibe…
It's interesting to have the entire episode without the others considering that the Governor is clearly meant to be juxtaposed to Rick in terms of leadership style. It is pretty amazing what Morrisey does with the role though, because you SO want to believe that he is telling the truth, even though the creepiness vibe…
This was an okay episode, though - like you suggest Carrie - it would be nice to get a better sense of what Kara is going to be used for (is she good? bad? ambivalent? ready to prune with Victoria?) The show doesn't seem to entirely know what to do with her yet.
This was an okay episode, though - like you suggest Carrie - it would be nice to get a better sense of what Kara is going to be used for (is she good? bad? ambivalent? ready to prune with Victoria?) The show doesn't seem to entirely know what to do with her yet.
Agreed. This was one of the only elements that really worked for us in the episode. At least this was clever. So many other elements just feel sly for the sake of playing on the audience's knowledge of Disney stories.
Agreed. This was one of the only elements that really worked for us in the episode. At least this was clever. So many other elements just feel sly for the sake of playing on the audience's knowledge of Disney stories.
Not surprised that Etta didn't make it, but didn't think it would happen this early. Sadly, in our review we think that Broyles might not be far behind. Thankfully we get that amazing emotional moment when Olivia and Broyles meet again before we have to suffer through Etta's death
Not surprised that Etta didn't make it, but didn't think it would happen this early. Sadly, in our review we think that Broyles might not be far behind. Thankfully we get that amazing emotional moment when Olivia and Broyles meet again before we have to suffer through Etta's death
Apparently we're alone in this, but we didn't like the episode at all. This was one of the most predictable hours of television the show has ever aired - there was nothing new or unique about its retelling of the legend, and as a procedural standalone case every beat was telegraphed and forecast so far in advance it…
Apparently we're alone in this, but we didn't like the episode at all. This was one of the most predictable hours of television the show has ever aired - there was nothing new or unique about its retelling of the legend, and as a procedural standalone case every beat was telegraphed and forecast so far in advance it…
The proposal definitely overshadows the rest of the episode (deservedly so), though we wish that they had of made Ben's saying no to the job more difficult. This isn't a candidate he was interested in, so it seems pretty clear that Leslie is the better option. Surprisingly light on the drama!
The proposal definitely overshadows the rest of the episode (deservedly so), though we wish that they had of made Ben's saying no to the job more difficult. This isn't a candidate he was interested in, so it seems pretty clear that Leslie is the better option. Surprisingly light on the drama!