
I think Walt was clearly relieved when Jesse told him Brock was going to be ok…so so yeah he probably thought Brock would most likely pull through. But it was still a very risky thing to do and he couldn't be 100% sure.

Well, wow, I was actually pretty disappointed with the ending. I was spoiled by reading all the fan speculation last week, and I saw the comment identifying the plant, so the surprise was kinda ruined for me. Twist endings are only fun when you don't expect them (guess I've learned my lesson for next season). I still

I agree Walt will probably die at the end, though I will feel kinda cheated if he's killed by anyone other than Jesse or Hank.

Me too. I almost never watch the first run of anything on TV anymore, and instead wait until a show has made it through at least one or two seasons on DVD, netflix, etc. By then I have a pretty good idea if it's worth checking out. Sometimes I might catch a mid season episode on TV, and a show might catch my interest

Sadly, I think the most likely assumption to make is that the poisoning was an accident/Jesse's fault, and neither Walt nor Gus did it (though they both assume each other did the deed). I hope I'm wrong. This scenario would destroy Jesse completely, and whatever shot he had at redemption. At any rate, I was just