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    That sounds kinda cool.



    And the kid yelling at his pubic hair to make it stop growing

    And the kid yelling at his pubic hair to make it stop growing

    Anyone ever seen "The Peanut Butter Solution"? It's a Canadian kids' movie from the 80s, I'd never heard of it before but some friends showed it to me a few weeks ago. It is a really, REALLY deeply weird movie, not in the Eraserhead sense but just in the "what am I watching, and why was it made" sense. It seemed like

    Anyone ever seen "The Peanut Butter Solution"? It's a Canadian kids' movie from the 80s, I'd never heard of it before but some friends showed it to me a few weeks ago. It is a really, REALLY deeply weird movie, not in the Eraserhead sense but just in the "what am I watching, and why was it made" sense. It seemed like



    The Iron Man face just looks so cute it's like he's always going :3

    The Iron Man face just looks so cute it's like he's always going :3

    I am feeling so empowered right now

    I am feeling so empowered right now

    … I didn't know this existed.


    I don't get it

    "had simply followed [John] Waters around for 80 minutes, the result would be more entertaining than Mansome"

    "What the fuck is actually happening in Braid?"

    Hi Fixda: re: what gender to use in the past tense, that's another thing that's good to actually ask the person in question. Different people feel different ways about this.

    There have been several attempts to create new gender neutral pronouns. All have gone disastrously. Wikipedia lists 13 contradictory gender-neutral pronoun standards, one from Futurama