
Aren't we sick of the "Dunder-Mifflin Scranton might shut down and lay everyone off" story arcs though? And if you've watched the show long term and know about sports, Jim has referenced and mentioned many a times that his an avid sports fan (his talked about the Sixers and Eagles hundreds of time). Sports Marketing

Aren't we sick of the "Dunder-Mifflin Scranton might shut down and lay everyone off" story arcs though? And if you've watched the show long term and know about sports, Jim has referenced and mentioned many a times that his an avid sports fan (his talked about the Sixers and Eagles hundreds of time). Sports Marketing

@matthew-danger-lippman I don't think you've been watching the same show, sure Walt has grown to Jessie but I'm pretty sure this guy will manipulate his words any which way to justify his actions.. I'm even thinking he might kill his family.. And the show is basically called "Breaking Bad: I did it for my family!!"

@matthew-danger-lippman I don't think you've been watching the same show, sure Walt has grown to Jessie but I'm pretty sure this guy will manipulate his words any which way to justify his actions.. I'm even thinking he might kill his family.. And the show is basically called "Breaking Bad: I did it for my family!!"