Michael Nagle

Okay so here's something that bugged me:

Time seems to be an issue with this series and Andrea is involved in two good examples.

I was totally fine with the phone coming into play so early to the show because it was a pretty good idea in the comics. But now a ghost? Wearing a white dress?

Also, you forgot he said 'Forfty' percent.

Another great episode by Swartzwelder. The opening act alone is hilarious just on the hysteria as everyone is being robbed. I will have that image on my deathbed of Homer thinking while dancing to the jug.

Considering how well this season started (from MacFarlane to Hathaway; sans Craig) it really is a shame how this has gotten so bad. This episode wasn't terrible but with an emotionless host and mediocre material you just couldn't get a huge laugh out of anything. It certainly didn't help that the audience was filled

As a big Kubrick fan I am down for watching this no matter how crazy it is. I honestly don't think there isn't any hidden messages in the movie nor deep questions. The only thing you wonder is whether there were ghosts or the entire family was going crazy.

ONLY 4 million?

I noticed a good amount of people younger than me (I'm 23) had no idea what they were referring to with the cartoon. That makes me feel FUCKING old.

Yeah I really shouldn't have been so dismissive. This site got 100,000 comments for god sakes! Thanks for replying guys!

Considering how shitty the dialogue was in Gangster Squad I'm not surprised WB is going to find someone else.

No one is ever going to see this since it'll be 1040th deep into the thread.

I'm completely shocked we haven't seen any Half-Life adaptations yet. Portal would be cool but incredibly hard to make it compelling. Cause they would have to make Chell talk since an entire franchise on a mute character wouldn't work.

Contagion was a very good movie. It was also different because Soderbergh and Burns didn't go for the typical story beats for this kind of 'epidemic' genre. It was pretty much a laid back approach to the storytelling which I found to be refreshing.

They certainly do love old-timey things. You're going to love the commentaries for the seasons they ran cause there is a lot of stories from the turn of the century. So surprised they never attempted to do a show taking place around the late 1800s.

That joke feels like Oakley/Weinstein trying very hard to be like Swartzwelder.

What a shame that Robert Goulet is only going to be remembered for this episode and Will Ferrell's impersonation. I still say 'Vera Said That?' for no reason periodically.

Shame about DO NO HARM because the writer/producer David Schulner is doing a great comic for Image called CLONE. Was hoping this show was going to be just as good.

This is interesting because I don't think Oprah ever did the show as a guest star. (Correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm sure you will!)

I'm sure no one wants to hear this but: