Michael Nagle

I saw this a while ago during college in my Foreign Film Class. (We watched this because the professor wanted to showcase what a foreign director can do for his/her first American project.) I was torn because it is a very good looking movie and yet the slow pace killed some of the joy for me. That and the overall plot

The adult in me likes the idea of this!

"Crispy Hexagons" might not be my favorite knock off but I love the name.

I thought the show really had no energy no matter how hard Fey and Poehler tried. The microphones seemed to not be worked or the range was so bad that you could hear the crowd more than the actual presenters.

Unfortunately George Meyer left the show in 2001 and apart from the movie it doesn't look like he's coming back.

Unfortunately George Meyer left the show in 2001 and apart from the movie it doesn't look like he's coming back.

The third movie ends with the pterodactyls migrating past the island.

Rooting for Michael Haneke for sure. That dude needs to get some love with the Academy. I love all of his movies so his best shot is gonna be for Director and Screenplay. He's a long shot for Best Picture but I wouldn't be shocked or upset if Amour somehow wins.

Few Things:

"involves time travel and alternate dimensions"

This makes me feel bad because I am partly responsible for making this hit $23 million. It was such a fucking terrible movie. I can't believe how appallingly bad it was. There is usually one redeeming feature in a bad horror movie but I can't think of anything to praise about it.

"It's in revelation, people!!"

One of the best I read was THE VIOLINIST'S THUMB by Sam Kean. It's about the history of DNA and genetics with Kean making it very accessible to read. There's a lot of quirky, funny, and thought provoking stories in here and even if you aren't a huge fan of science I really recommend this. The history of our learning

One of the best I read was THE VIOLINIST'S THUMB by Sam Kean. It's about the history of DNA and genetics with Kean making it very accessible to read. There's a lot of quirky, funny, and thought provoking stories in here and even if you aren't a huge fan of science I really recommend this. The history of our learning

Really not looking forward to watching this, even with this slightly positive review. (C+ might not sound positive but it's better than what you're gonna see at RottenTomatoes.) But I gotta stick with my resolution this year.

Like Tasha, I'm gonna try and watch more movies in the theater when it comes to this year. Of course it's going to be hard because this year's crop of movies are kinda bad. I mean, Texas Chainsaw 3D? Not a good start to the year.

This might be the worst thing I've ever heard.

Well to start off this month I've read:

The only entertainment I'll have for this show is to figure out how it ties into 'Independence Day'.

The only entertainment I'll have for this show is to figure out how it ties into 'Independence Day'.