Michael Nagle

Lost in La Mancha is a wonderful documentary on Terry Gilliam failing to make his Don Quixote movie. So they should immediately make a sequel to this with Depp's movie. Cause I guarantee you that Mr. Gilliam is mighty pissed and will want revenge.

Lost in La Mancha is a wonderful documentary on Terry Gilliam failing to make his Don Quixote movie. So they should immediately make a sequel to this with Depp's movie. Cause I guarantee you that Mr. Gilliam is mighty pissed and will want revenge.

What a world it could have been if Conan stayed on the show. He probably would have been a show runner and the could have been wackier then it ended up being…

What a world it could have been if Conan stayed on the show. He probably would have been a show runner and the could have been wackier then it ended up being…

The commentary for that episode you mentioned is really fascinating. Cause MacFarlane, not for laughs as he is quite pissed, talks about that incident and how Al Jean/James L. Brooks forced FOX to cut that joke for broadcast.

The commentary for that episode you mentioned is really fascinating. Cause MacFarlane, not for laughs as he is quite pissed, talks about that incident and how Al Jean/James L. Brooks forced FOX to cut that joke for broadcast.

Like any episode of the show now a days this feels like it is several years too late.

Like any episode of the show now a days this feels like it is several years too late.

This is going to be amazing.

This is going to be amazing.

I'm not even asking for anything dark. It just felt like she was finally being a bit more responsible after going to college. But now she's back to her old self and clearly didn't learn anything from being kicked out.

I'm not even asking for anything dark. It just felt like she was finally being a bit more responsible after going to college. But now she's back to her old self and clearly didn't learn anything from being kicked out.

Read a shit load of books this month thanks to my job. I read about 5-6 a week and while I can't remember every single book I read. I got some highlights:

Read a shit load of books this month thanks to my job. I read about 5-6 a week and while I can't remember every single book I read. I got some highlights:

I'm really upset Haley is back to the status quo before she got into college. Granted, she was still an idiot when she got to college but at least she grew up a bit. Then she got drunk, resisted arrest and now….we got this.

I'm really upset Haley is back to the status quo before she got into college. Granted, she was still an idiot when she got to college but at least she grew up a bit. Then she got drunk, resisted arrest and now….we got this.

I will bow to WB for once in my life if they could bridge the Dark Knight Trilogy into this Justice League universe. Have some fucking balls!

I will bow to WB for once in my life if they could bridge the Dark Knight Trilogy into this Justice League universe. Have some fucking balls!

I want this movie to just be about the past and future versions of Professor Xavier and Magneto. That isn't going to happen since they gotta have some poorly defined mutant characters for the fights. But knowing you got four incredible actors in one film should be more then enough to have a great movie.

I want this movie to just be about the past and future versions of Professor Xavier and Magneto. That isn't going to happen since they gotta have some poorly defined mutant characters for the fights. But knowing you got four incredible actors in one film should be more then enough to have a great movie.