Michael Nagle

I think the biggest problem was the 8 month time jump. Sure it worked great for the guys at the prison, but we didn't need to learn much about them to get into season three. For Michonne and Andrea, we just assume that they survived 8 months by themselves (and Andrea being sick for most of it seemingly) and it feels

I think the biggest problem was the 8 month time jump. Sure it worked great for the guys at the prison, but we didn't need to learn much about them to get into season three. For Michonne and Andrea, we just assume that they survived 8 months by themselves (and Andrea being sick for most of it seemingly) and it feels

The answer is that the Governor is crazy. There really isn't much else too it.

The answer is that the Governor is crazy. There really isn't much else too it.

What's the worst thing this show has done to a character?

What's the worst thing this show has done to a character?

I hate to sound like a guy from SNPP but…

I hate to sound like a guy from SNPP but…

Three solid episodes in a row. That must be a record for this show.

Three solid episodes in a row. That must be a record for this show.

This could be the best image of 2012. By far.

This could be the best image of 2012. By far.

Okay, I get what you and Anonymous are saying. But still….Shouldn't that be an incentive to get away from that in the adaptation!? Like, let's see the flaws in Kirkman's writing (which he has many I'm not denying that) and turn it into something better?

Okay, I get what you and Anonymous are saying. But still….Shouldn't that be an incentive to get away from that in the adaptation!? Like, let's see the flaws in Kirkman's writing (which he has many I'm not denying that) and turn it into something better?

Because when Lori dies, it is a fucking big deal. It happens quickly and she has a fucking baby die in her arms.

Because when Lori dies, it is a fucking big deal. It happens quickly and she has a fucking baby die in her arms.

Well yeah, re-reading this area of the comics it isn't perfect. But Kirkman definitely handled this much better than what the writers of this show are doing.

Well yeah, re-reading this area of the comics it isn't perfect. But Kirkman definitely handled this much better than what the writers of this show are doing.

This episode just goes to show they never should have adapted this series in the first place. Yeah the pilot was fucking amazing but we all (and I mean ALL) got fooled by that first episode. The writing is absolutely atrocious on this show and this is yet another example why.

This episode just goes to show they never should have adapted this series in the first place. Yeah the pilot was fucking amazing but we all (and I mean ALL) got fooled by that first episode. The writing is absolutely atrocious on this show and this is yet another example why.