Bridget Smith

I don't think there's a tie-in, but it can't be accidental, can it? They can't possibly think it's a mindblowingly original idea, can they? (They probably can.)

I looked on Sunday and they weren't up. WHAT MAGIC HULU DO YOU HAVE?

Between Dead Like Me, Pushing Daisies, Mockingbird Lane, and even to a certain extent Wonderfalls, Bryan Fuller has always been morbid. I think here they just asked him to stop making his death obsession *cheerful*.

@ColdGottoBe:disqus I can't eat while watching Hannibal, but otherwise it doesn't make me squeamish. HOWEVER, there's a scene from the third episode that still makes me cringe. Not gory at all, but ohgodohgodmakeitgoaway.

Oh, good to know! I'm not going to get a chance to watch the clips of episode 4 online before tonight's, so I'm glad to hear I can wait until after.

Lee Pace in All The Movies, please.

I don't think I've ever read a Diana Wynne Jones short story, which now shocks and horrifies me. I must go remedy that!

He does seem like a good guy and I love his books, but I'm sick of hearing from him. Yet he's inescapable if you pay any attention to the world of fantasy. I can tune out anyone else, but not him, and I need a break.

As one example: Parks & Rec completely retooled between seasons 1 & 2 to become a very different, much better show. I'm not sure what fueled that change, though, and it's sort of a weird situation since the first season was only 6 episodes.

I wish I could find the article where I read this, but apparently, Netflix actually does keep track of things like where people most often pause whatever they're watching. Theoretically they would then use this information to make sure there aren't any lulls in an episode, which I fear would wind up feeling like those

I don't know, I think it does. Plenty of girls like the guys who appear to be bad boys, especially if they're also talented; few actually want to date a former drug dealer who gets into a massive fistfight with his skeezy brother in the middle of a sophisticated party related to her job. I'd say she's had red flags

Emily Haines looks vaguely like a troll, and that alone should've guaranteed this photo never saw the light of day.

I was working at an alt-rock radio station in the US when "Help, I'm Alive" broke here. It was such a weird song, but we all loved it: I remember one of my coworkers belting out the chorus while hanging pictures. We were one of the first on the East Coast to play them, which meant we were able to use that connection

In general, I love Paul Gross in this role: he conveys Geoffrey's genius and frustration so well, and - this sounds weird, but it's the truth - his face is just so watchable. But I had such a hard time believing him in most of his crying scenes this season. I thought the first one was a joke. It's just too

"Baba O'Riley" is BRILLIANT for running. I also highly recommend The Temper Trap's "Fader" and Young the Giant's "My Body." Both are perfect for that point about halfway to three-quarters through when everything-including-your-face hurts and you need a solid, driving rhythm. "My Body" also has lyrics like, "My body

I've been hearing a constant string of good things about The Snow Child since it came out, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. It just moved further up the (interminable, ever-lasting) list.

I have a policy that I don't return books I've read - it's like staying in a movie theater until the end or finishing a whole meal at a restaurant, then walking out and asking for your money back. I was so angry at how lazy Mockingjay was that I nearly broke that policy. It was so obvious that she'd given up caring

Honestly, based on this trailer alone, I'm pretty sure the Mockingjay movies (ugh) are going to be MUCH better than the books. For one, they'll be able to show us people actually doing things, as they aren't bound to Katniss's POV.

Yeah, the only thing it has in common with Twilight is that it's intended for teenagers and really popular. There's also a love triangle, I guess, but unlike in Twilight, that's not the plot.