Bridget Smith

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus My high school did Romeo & Juliet when I was still in 8th grade, so I didn't get to be in it. But one of the optional assignments when I read it in English class was to pick a monologue and perform it, so I, of course, picked the one where she's most insane. (I was

And the speech right before she drinks the potion, where she's so terrified she's hallucinating, is SO much fun to perform, oh man.

It's about first love, I think, and how ridiculous and overwhelming and shiny that feeling is. I don't for a minute think they would've lasted (and I didn't much like the play even when I was a teenager) but that doesn't diminish the way it feels when you're living it.

They did finally stop using diaries for radio, which changed the numbers quite a bit.

@avclub-4f43ff47ac85a70464f634d97bcd4305:disqus Rayna never cheated on Teddy, as far as I can tell. She met & married him while Deacon was in rehab - she was already pregnant with Maddie, and I think she just desperately wanted a stable life for her baby. (I find this to be one of the most interesting storylines on

Plus, as Todd said in the review, there were a few weeks in February when it was actually pretty great.

Oh no, it's MUCH better than Smash. There's hardly anything I want to set on fire.

We found out about Peggy last week; Teddy found out this week.

I think it would've made sense if they were playing some arena upstate, because the non-NYC parts of New York do have a lot of country fans. But I guess they wanted to prove they were "with it" by having them play the new arena in Brooklyn.

Ok, there's a reason that the only place on the internet where I read the comments is the AV Club. I don't need the worst of everywhere else gathered and reposted here.

I don't even care who he plays at this point: I just want him in it.

I didn't mind his bit about Mindy losing 15 lbs - he said it meaning to hurt her after she went to the unforgivable place regarding his divorce. It was meant to be terrible to give us a bit of insight into his character, and we saw Mindy's reaction to it. Plus, I got the sense that he never would've said it without

I love the book, but it takes a long time to lay the groundwork. It's going to be a long, slow slog if you're not enjoying it yet. Personally, I was willing to go wherever Clarke wanted to take me, but I also read it in a week-long binge while on vacation.

Did anyone else catch Danny's weird random misogynistic comment about both of the pilots being women? What the hell was that? What was the point of it? It never even came up again.

Sure, but I sat on one of these, so I can promise it won't cut you.

I bought the collection but haven't read it yet. If the stories are anything like the mini-stories in the footnotes, it should be amazing.

Hmm. I don't think of it as being terribly Dickens-like at all, but I haven't read him in years, so I could be mistaken. (I should reread A Tale of Two Cities.) But for Austen: she's the most famous Regency author and Clarke's voice is spot-on Regency-era; the language is playful and frank and funny in the way Austen

I think he did in Dogma, or pretty near it. But in general he wouldn't be my first choice either.

I've been going around for the last few days saying, "Wait, is this news? This doesn't sound new. I distinctly remember freaking out about this months ago. Was that a hallucination?" Thank you for confirming it was not!

The replica chairs are made of a hard plastic. They're uncomfortable, but not actually dangerous.